RSI Arrow Out of Zone iMA Trend Visualization - indicator for MetaTrader 5 Modification of the RSI Arrow Out of Zone iMA Trend indicator - added the 'Use indicators visualization' parameter: when set to 'true' (if the indicator is running in visual debugging mode or online), iMA and iRSI indicators will be displayed on the chart.
Two traders are talking (taken from this mql5 thread): Consider a linear regression model xi = a + b * i + ei in time i = 1, 2, ..., n, where the errors ei are white noise with the Laplace distribution. The error density then has the form p (x, c) = 0.5 * c * exp (-c * | x |), log (p (x, c)) = log (0.5) + log (c) -c * | x | The likelihood function for the noise will have the form L = p (d1, c) * p (d2, c) * ... * p (dn, c), where di = xi-ab * i are the residuals of ...
MetaTrader 5 becomes more popular than MetaTrader 4 among brokers MetaTrader 5 has become the most popular trading platform. The number of companies using MetaTrader 5 has exceeded the ones using MetaTrader 4 in June 2021. This is an expected result since the trading platform is constantly evolving, becoming even more powerful.
Metatrader 5 build 3017 b3017 Guys, well done! The icons were made very nicely! So far, only at first glance. I will peer at the weekend) I also noticed that the android version has a normal visual style for a long time, I even saw a dark theme on the screenshots of market sellers.
Scalping the forex market All the ins and outs on scalping the Forex market. May Chris dives into the world of Scalping where he explains in great detail how this style of trading can be accomplished in the Forex market. This live webinar not only clarifies how a trader can scalp but also provides every Forex trader with a great guidance and extra tips. Who Can Trade a Scalping ...