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  1. US Dolla Weekly Outlook: 2014, May 18 - 25

    by , 05-17-2014 at 08:56 AM
    US Dollar Rally Will Stall Without a Spark

    Fundamental Forecast for Dollar: Neutral

    • Though US Treasury yields were in retreat this past week, the move does not likely reflect fading Fed expectations
    • There is limited impetus from the docket for a big ‘risk’ breakout this week, but a surge in sentiment doesn’t require data

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    The US Dollar managed to turn a close call test of 14-month lows into an impressive rebound ...
  2. Time To Buy Twitter, SunTrust Analyst Says

    by , 05-17-2014 at 02:10 AM
    Twitter doesn't have to grow into Facebook for the stock to pay off, Robert Peck says.

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    Shares of Twitter, which are down 50% this year and recently fell below $30 for the first time since last November’s IPO, were up more than 3% at $33.06 before the opening bell Monday.

  3. Free to Download - BBands Stop Histo for Metatrader 4 build 600 and above

    by , 05-16-2014 at 02:31 PM
    Please check out the updated BBands_Stop and BBands_Stop Histo indicators for the new MT4.

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    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
  4. Identifying Forex Market Bias and Picking Your Trades Wisely

    by , 05-16-2014 at 10:49 AM
    Identifying the bias of the Forex market at the beginning of each trading week is an important thing for every Forex trader to do. It is really important to simply sit down on Sunday at some point and take 30 minutes or so to figure out in your mind what you think the market has the greatest potential to do during the upcoming week. As you do this you should make some notes; record in your Forex trading journal what you see on the charts and use that information to explain your bias. Now, obviously ...
  5. Forget Sanctions Over Ukraine: Russia Scores Massive Gas Pipeline Deal With China

    by , 05-15-2014 at 12:54 PM
    Forget Sanctions Over Ukraine: Russia Scores Massive Gas Pipeline Deal With China

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    China and Russia are set to cement their energy alliance next week with an expected agreement to build a natural gas pipeline between the two nations that would secure a huge new market for the world's largest energy producer and provide a guaranteed energy supply for China's growing economy as both nations face confrontations with the West.
    The deal, ...
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