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This is a discussion on Something to read within the Forex Trading forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Trading Strategy 102: From Good to Great Trader: 7 Things You Need To Know To Become A Consistently Profitable Trader ...

  1. #321
    member BrokersMinutes's Avatar
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    From Good to Great Trader: 7 Things You Need To Know To Become A Consistently Profitable Trader (Day Trading & Swing Trading)

    Trading Strategy 102: From Good to Great Trader: 7 Things You Need To Know To Become A Consistently Profitable Trader (Day Trading & Swing Trading)
    by Steve Ryan

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    The difference between good trader and great trader: Consistency.
    Then this book might be your perfect solution.

    In this book, the author will talk about 7 principles that will make you “re-question” your existing beliefs about trading and investing. This book will give you an extra edge you need to be a consistently profitable trader. Regardless you are day trading, swing trading, forex trading, futures trading, commodity trading, stock trading, options trading, or bond trading, this book will add values to your style.

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    10 Tuesday AM Reading - Life Well Lived, About a September Rate Increase, and more

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    • Market pullback: 1997 or 1998? 2011 or 2014? (Fidelity) see also U.S. Stocks Decline as S&P 500 Posts Worst Month Since May 2012 (Bloomberg)
    • Beware Stories of the Death Cross (Irrelevant Investor)
    • Maybe This Global Slowdown Is Different (BV) see also China’s latest manufacturing data underscore investor fears about the country’s growth (WSJ)
    • The Value-at-Risk Fiasco (Statistical Ideas)
    • 13 Arguments Pro & Con: Should the Fed tighten? (Marginal Revolution) see also What Fed Officials Are Saying About a September Rate Increase (WSJ)
    • The Most Expensive Apartment Listings in New York That Are Not in Manhattan (Bloomberg)
    • American Industry Wastes Huge Amounts of Gas by Burning It Off. Here’s a Cheap Way to Save It. (Slate) see also Oil Prices Soar Amid Lower U.S. Output Estimates, OPEC Article (WSJ)
    • Forget About Setting Goals. Focus on This Instead. (James Clear)
    • Increase Taxes? Talk by Donald Trump Alarms G.O.P. (NYT) see also GOP Elite Charts Four Paths to Destroy Trump (BV)
    • A Life Well Lived (Oliver Sacks) see also Oliver Sacks, 1933-2015 (Longform)

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  3. #323
    member 1Finance's Avatar
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    Dual Momentum Investing: An Innovative Strategy for Higher Returns with Lower Risk

    Dual Momentum Investing: An Innovative Strategy for Higher Returns with Lower Risk
    by Gary Antonacci

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    After examining more than two-hundred years of data across dozens of markets and asset classes, the conclusion is clear: Momentum continually outperforms. However, most mainstream investors haven't had a way to fully discover and implement the benefits of momentum investing . . . until now! Whether you're an independent investor, investment professional, or money manager, Dual Momentum Investing enables you to consistently profit on major changes in relative strength and market trend.

    Based on the award-winning work of Gary Antonacci, an expert in modern portfolio theory and optimization, this groundbreaking guide presents an easy-to-understand, straightforward model that transforms momentum concepts into an actionable investing strategy called Global Equity Momentum (GEM). By combining relative-strength momentum and absolute momentum, this unique methodology lets you take advantage of intra-market trends while avoiding large drawdowns. A disciplined implementation of his proven strategy enhances the ability of every investor to:

    • Lock in profits and mitigate risk with a minimal number of switches per year among U.S. equities, non-U.S. equities, and bonds.
    • Establish meaningful control over investment risk once an asset's value begins to decline.
    • Remove emotional and behavioral biases from your decision-making, while taking advantage of these same biases in others to achieve exceptional returns.
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  4. #324
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    The 3% Signal: The Investing Technique That Will Change Your Life

    The 3% Signal: The Investing Technique That Will Change Your Life
    by Jason Kelly

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    Take the stress out of investing with this revolutionary new strategy from the author of The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing, now in its fifth edition.

    By targeting three percent growth and adjusting holdings to meet that goal, even novice investors can level the financial playing field and ensure a secure retirement free from the stress of noisy advice that doesn't work. The plan's simple technique cuts through the folly of human emotion by reacting intelligently to price changes and automatically buying low and selling high. Relayed in the same easy-to-understand language that has made The Neatest Little Guide to Stock Market Investing such a staple in the investing community, The 3% Signal is sure to become your most trusted guide to investing success.

    "We often hear, and have come to believe, that models beat experts. Kelly offers the individual investor a simple, mechanical model that instills discipline, removes a lot of self-sabotaging emotion, and has a good track record. Will it continue to outperform? Actually, it just might."
    - Brenda Jubin, "Reading The Markets" book review at and ValueWalk
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  5. #325
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    10 Sunday Readings: Will Your Bond Fund Flail, The richest places in America, the Panic of 1873, and more

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    • For Markets, It’s the Treacherous Season: Despite the Fed’s decision to delay raising interest rates, stocks and commodities swoon at week’s end. Shades of past market crashes, Long Term Capital Management’s fall, and the Panic of 1873. (Barron’s)
    • Global economic issues fuel deflationary fears and help drive policymakers to keep rates low. (Fidelity)
    • If Investors Bail, Will Your Bond Fund Flail? (WSJ)
    • Is Pension-gate the next big scandal to rock the financial services industry? (Evidence-Based Investor)
    • The Experience Fallacy (A Wealth of Common Sense)
    • The richest places in America all have one thing in common (Wonkblog)
    • More Than Half of Jeb Bush’s Tax Cuts Would Go To the Top 1% (CTJ Reports) see also Study: 53 percent of Jeb Bush’s tax cuts would go to the top 1 percent (Vox)
    • What the World Got Wrong About Kareem Abdul-Jabbar (NYT)
    • How ‘Netflix and chill’ became internet slang for having sex (Fusion)
    • After the Grateful Dead, Phil Lesh Shows He Has a Head for Business (NYT)

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  6. #326
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    10 Friday Reads - Myth or Fact, IBM’s super fast computer, Jobs-Report Analysis, and more

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    • Inside Steve Cohen’s groundbreaking ‘Academy’ poaching young talent from Wall Street (Business Insider)
    • Google’s Cute Cars And The Ugly End Of Driving (BuzzFeed) see also This Car Knows Your Next Misstep Before You Make It (MIT Technology Review)
    • Munger’s Advice on Shamans, Humility, and Attention Spans (Motley Fool)
    • How Steve Jobs Fleeced Carly Fiorina (Medium)
    • Myth or Fact? How Some Jobs-Report Analysis Goes Wrong (Real Time Economics)
    • Ultra Wealthy Buying Homes Globally for Investment Diversification, Gain Citizenship (World Property Journal)
    • How Putin blindsided the US over Syria (BBC)
    • IBM’s super fast, powerful and tiny carbon computer chips could soon be in all our devices (Quartz)
    • Is Wealth Inequality Hidden in Tax Havens? Piketty’s Co-Author Thinks So (Real Time Economics) see also Why is so much wealth hidden? Failed democracy. (Washington Center for Equitable Growth)
    • GOP Presidential Candidates, Science, and Reality (Slate)

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  7. #327
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    10 Weekend Readings

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    • The Year Ahead 2016: 50 Companies to Watch (Bloomberg)
    • Baby boomers are what’s wrong with America’s economy (Washington Post)
    • Market Changes May Prompt New Definition of Insider Trading (Dealbook)
    • Companies Are Attacking Consumers For Bad Reviews — Now Congress Wants To Step In (Buzzfeed) see also We Asked A Lawyer What to Do if You’ve Been Screwed by an Arbitration Clause (Vice)
    • Grantland and the (Surprising) Future of Publishing (Stratechery)
    • First-time Buyers Continue to Retreat from U.S. Housing Market (World Property Journal)
    • Daniel Kahneman on Intuition and the Outside View (Compounding My Interests) see also How Framing Affects Investment Decisions & Outcomes (Wealth of Common Sense)
    • How Much the Presidential Candidates Raised from Real People (Bloomberg)
    ‘B.S. Report’ SXSW Special: Horatio Sanz and Wesley Morris (Grantland) see also Horatio Sanz’s brutal “SNL” takedown: The show became too conservative and helped George W. Bush win the presidency (Salon)
    • Adele: Inside Her Private Life and Triumphant Return (Rolling Stone)

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  8. #328
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    The Commitments of Traders Bible: How to Profit from Insider Market Intelligence

    The Commitments of Traders Bible: How to Profit from Insider Market Intelligence

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    The Commodity Futures Trading Commission′s weekly Commitments of Traders (COT) report has established the U.S. futures market as one of the most transparent exchanges in the world and created a level playing field for commodity and futures traders of all sizes in the process. But the information found within the COT report extends well beyond the confines of the commodity pits and can be profitably applied to virtually any market sector, from equities and treasuries to forex, gold stocks, and exchange–traded funds.

    Nobody understands this better than author Stephen Briese, an industry–leading expert on COT data. And now, with The Commitments of Traders Bible, he shares the insights and experiences of his successful career to help put the COT report in perspective. Written in a straightforward and accessible style, this detailed guide skillfully examines the predictive power of COT data and reveals how you can accurately interpret it in order to analyze market movements and make the most informed investment decisions possible.

    Divided into two comprehensive parts, this reliable resource:
    • Takes you through a brief history of the COT report and explains how it has evolved over time
    • Illustrates how the dozens of numbers published on specific markets expose the positions of the biggest and smartest market insiders
    • Describes how to properly view the COT Index and use it to avoid the traps that most observers fall into
    • Offers technicians and chartists various ways to incorporate COT analysis into their existing programs
    • Discusses individual idiosyncrasies and patterns that appear in certain markets from oil to interest rates
    • Lists hundreds of securities from all over the world whose prices are highly correlated with commodities contained in the COT report

    Regardless of your trading methods, and no matter what markets you′re involved in, there is a COT report that you should be reviewing every week. With The Commitments of Traders Bible as your guide, you′ll gain an invaluable edge over uninformed market participants as you learn how to use legal "insider" information to enhance your everyday investment endeavors.

  9. #329
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    The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns

    The Little Book of Common Sense Investing: The Only Way to Guarantee Your Fair Share of Stock Market Returns

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    Investing is all about common sense. Owning a diversified portfolio of stocks and holding it for the long term is a winner's game. Trying to beat the stock market is theoretically a zero-sum game (for every winner, there must be a loser), but after the substantial costs of investing are deducted, it becomes a loser's game. Common sense tells us-and history confirms-that the simplest and most efficient investment strategy is to buy and hold all of the nation's publicly held businesses at very low cost. The classic index fund that owns this market portfolio is the only investment that guarantees you with your fair share of stock market returns. To learn how to make index investing work for you, there's no better mentor than legendary mutual fund industry veteran John C. Bogle. Over the course of his long career, Bogle-founder of the Vanguard Group and creator of the world's first index mutual fund-has relied primarily on index investing to help Vanguard's clients build substantial wealth. Now, with The Little Book of Common Sense Investing, he wants to help you do the same. Filled with in-depth insights and practical advice, The Little Book of Common Sense Investing will show you how to incorporate this proven investment strategy into your portfolio. It will also change the very way you think about investing. Successful investing is not easy. (It requires discipline and patience.) But it is simple. For it's all about common sense. With The Little Book of Common Sense Investing as your guide, you'll discover how to make investing a winner's game:* Why business reality-dividend yields and earnings growth-is more important than market expectations* How to overcome the powerful impact of investment costs, taxes, and inflation* How the magic of compounding returns is overwhelmed by the tyranny of compounding costs* What expert investors and brilliant academics-from Warren Buffett and Benjamin Graham to Paul Samuelson and Burton Malkiel-have to say about index investing* And much more You'll also find warnings about investment fads and fashions, including the recent stampede into exchange traded funds and the rise of indexing gimmickry. The real formula for investment success is to own the entire market, while significantly minimizing the costs of financial intermediation. That's what index investing is all about. And that's what this book is all about. JOHN C. BOGLE is founder of the Vanguard Group, Inc., and President of its Bogle Financial Markets Research Center. He created Vanguard in 1974 and served as chairman and chief executive officer until 1996 and senior chairman until 2000. In 1999, Fortune magazine named Mr. Bogle as one of the four "Investment Giants" of the twentieth century; in 2004, Time named him one of the world's 100 most powerful and influential people, and Institutional Investor presented him with its Lifetime Achievement Award.

  10. #330
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    Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades, + Website: Derivatives Analysis with the E-mini and Russell Futures Contracts

    Pivots, Patterns, and Intraday Swing Trades, + Website: Derivatives Analysis with the E-mini and Russell Futures Contracts

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    When the Chicago Mercantile Exchange launched the S&P 500 E-mini in 1997, their aim was to provide non-professionals with an opportunity to trade on an even footing with professional traders. Judging by the fact that the intervening years have seen a veritable boom of E-mini stock index trading worldwide, one can conclude that their experiment was a smashing success.

    It's easy to see why E-mini trading has become so popular among day traders. First, there are the much lower margins associated with the smaller contract sizes, as compared to their floor-traded counterparts. Also, because trades are executed entirely electronically, there are no market makers or floor brokers. And, unlike commodities or standard futures, there is virtually no chance of manipulation, insider trading or any of the other problems that occasionally affect other financial markets. But along with its many advantages and abundant opportunities, E-mini trading brings an entirely new set of challenges and potential pitfalls that can bedevil the best laid plans of beginners and seasoned day traders alike.

    Due to extreme leverage and the intense participation they receive, the stock index futures markets afford little time for traders to dwell on technical conditions. Intraday volatility in the stock indices is far more exaggerated than that reflected in the daily bar charts of other markets. And positioning techniques that have proven reliable in anticipating the actions of long-term trends in other instruments, fail miserably when applied to the countertrend reactions of the highly leveraged S&P futures contract within the shorter, intraday time frames.

    Author Will Scheier draws upon his decades of experience as a highly successful day trader and trading educator to provide you with:

    • A framework of Day Models for making sense of the chaos of the day trading environment
    • Codified, easy-to-adapt trade entry setups
    • Trading techniques that are anything but mechanical scalping
    • Technical Trade Event Models and their rules
    • Tools for spotting major intraday swing trends at the instant they begin
    • Fresh insights to Old School and floor trader concepts like the Open Range, Taylor 3-day Cycle and classic pattern breakout filtering
    • Archived performance record of real-time trade calls

    Divided into four parts, the technical tools exposed in the first three parts are eventually brought together into a cohesive whole in Part Four. There, a special meaning is afforded to them when they arrive in the confluence of pattern, price and time. In addition, once the identity of completed trade entry models are established, Part Four of the book then includes the blueprint for creating a Trade Plan, and enumerates the rules necessary to conduct a business according to that Plan.

    Engaging, informative, practical, this reliable resource will put you in a prime position to profit mightily in today's ever more volatile stock markets

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