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  1. Greenpeace employee gambles in forex markets, loses €3.8 million in donations

    by , 06-15-2014 at 08:18 PM
    Greenpeace employee gambles in forex markets, loses €3.8 million in donations

    Stacy Summary: via Youri Carma; this item from the Netherlands where an employee of Greenpeace has lost €3.8 million in donations by gambling in the foreign exchange markets – he bet on the euro tumbling. He should have used the the Martingale betting system as would any professional speculator and just kept doubling down til he won!

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    The environmental ...
  2. Basics of Online Stock Trading

    by , 06-07-2014 at 04:16 PM
    Basics of Online Stock Trading

    In recent years, positive trends in consumer credit activities have helped create major shifts in the tendency to place retail investment trades online, rather than on the floor of a traditional stock exchange. There is a wide variety of ways to start doing this. Already, there is a large and growing number of regulated brokers that offer access to all of the major asset classes with trading platforms that can be managed through PCs and mobile ...
    Tags: stock, stocks, trader Add / Edit Tags
  3. Traders Dynamic Index for MT4 build 600 and above

    by , 05-19-2014 at 05:49 AM
    This TradersDynamicIndex indicator works for MT4 build 600 and above (I installed it on build 646 now) :

    Name:  eurusd-m5-ibfx-inc.png
Views: 502
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    Name:  eurusd-d1-ibfx-inc.png
Views: 491
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    • Go here to download indicator and pdf file about how to trade
    • Go here to download template
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