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  1. Happy feet

    by , 02-26-2017 at 01:36 AM
    Happy feet by Daniel Kordan

    Name:  Happy feet.jpg
Views: 201
Size:  70.3 KB
    Tags: nature, photo Add / Edit Tags
  2. Guided by the light

    by , 01-24-2016 at 12:50 AM
    Guided by the light by Franz Engels

    Name:  45454545.jpg
Views: 246
Size:  51.6 KB
  3. Greenpeace employee gambles in forex markets, loses €3.8 million in donations

    by , 06-15-2014 at 08:18 PM
    Greenpeace employee gambles in forex markets, loses €3.8 million in donations

    Stacy Summary: via Youri Carma; this item from the Netherlands where an employee of Greenpeace has lost €3.8 million in donations by gambling in the foreign exchange markets – he bet on the euro tumbling. He should have used the the Martingale betting system as would any professional speculator and just kept doubling down til he won!

    Name:  greenpeace-400x276.jpg
Views: 459
Size:  20.8 KB

    The environmental ...
  4. Good morning painting - Howard Behrens

    by , 05-16-2014 at 03:59 PM
    Good morning

    Howard Behrens painting

    Name:  morning27.jpg
Views: 713
Size:  96.9 KB
  5. Fracking-Like Activity in the Everglades Draws Wrath of Environmentalists

    by , 05-12-2014 at 05:12 PM
    Fracking-Like Activity in the Everglades Draws Wrath of Environmentalists

    By Forexminute - Jonathan Millet | Fracking News | May 11, 2014 10:04PM BST

    An energy firm has been suspected of using a technique similar to fracking to extract oil close to the Everglades, kicking a furore that prompted the state to fine it and issue a temporary ...
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