This is MT5 version of famous WmiFor forecasting indicator - ---------------- WmiFor 3.5 for MT5 (with DTW engine) - indicator for MetaTrader 5 This indicator predicts possible future price movements by searching for similar candle patterns in the rate history. This is an adaptation of original indicator WmiFor 3.0 (with dynamic time warping engine, DTW) for MetaTrader 4 .
Gold Dust - expert for MetaTrader 5 The trading system is based on the future price direction forecast, which is implemented by selecting weight coefficients of an elementary single-layer neural network.
The article Implementing an ARIMA training algorithm in MQL5, describes the CArima class for building ARIMA models. Although it is technically possible to use the class as it is to apply a model and make predictions, it is not intuitive. In this article we will address this shortcomming and extend the class to enable easier to use methods for applying models to make predictions. We will discuss some of the complications related to implementing predictions ...
Linux has a vibrant development ecosystem and a good ergonomic for software development. Normally MetaTrader 5 developers just use MQL5 programming language to develop their indicators/experts or related products then publish on the market to end-users without any concern about which OS to base on. But when developers need to involve developing a custom solution as a shared library (DLL) to further expand and provide additional services ...
Gravitational Search Algorithm (GSA) was proposed by E. Rashedi to solve the optimization problem, especially non-linear problems, following the principles of Newton's law of gravitation. In the proposed algorithm, particles are considered as objects and their performance is estimated taking into account their masses. more...