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  1. Implementing the Janus factor in MQL5

    by , 04-18-2023 at 02:04 AM
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    According to Janus theory, markets are driven by the interplay between prices and how traders react to them. When markets are trending, market participants show confidence by letting their profits ride. In an uptrend higher prices confirm participants' expectations of the trend, which in turn induces more buy-in. This has the effect of pushing prices even higher.
  2. Moral expectation in trading

    by , 04-17-2023 at 02:24 AM
    Name:  moremore0804.png
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    Mathematical expectation in trading is one of the indicators used to evaluate a trading strategy efficiency. In 1738, Daniel Bernoulli published his work "Specimen theoriae novae de mensura sortis" (Exposition of a New Theory on the Measurement of Risk). In this work, he derived the moral expectation equation. The main difference between moral expectation and mathematical expectation is that moral expectation depends on the player's capital and implicitly
  3. Canvas based indicators: Filling channels with transparency

    by , 04-16-2023 at 02:25 AM
    Name:  Captura0804.png
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    Method for creating custom indicators whose drawings are made using the class CCanvas from standard library.
    The topics of this article are listed below:

  4. How to use ONNX models in MQL5

    by , 04-15-2023 at 02:05 AM
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    Among all the considered models, CNN-LSTM models have generated the best results during the experiments. In this article, we will consider how to create such a model to forecast financial timeseries and how to use the created ONNX model in an MQL5 Expert Advisor.
  5. Category Theory in MQL5 (Part 4): Spans, Experiments, and Compositions

    by , 04-12-2023 at 01:59 PM
    Name:  category0504.png
Views: 42
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    In the previous article, we saw how category theory can be potent in complex systems via its concepts of products, coproducts, and the universal property, examples of applications of which in finance and algorithmic trading were shared. Here, we will delve deeper into spans, experiments, and compositions.
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