Combinations of strategies may offer better opportunities. We can combine indicators together or patterns, or even better, indicators with patterns, so that we get an extra confirmation factor. In this article, we will see how to use Heiken-Ashi charting alongside moving averages as a trend confirmation technique. And then, at the end, we can look at optimization options. more...
It is about a method to overcome this challenge by benefiting from the iCustom function and creating your custom indicator following your terms and based on your preferences. We will also see an example, as we will create a custom Heiken Ashi technical indicator and we will use this custom indicator in trading system examples. more...
By the way, if we use H1 pivot in the settings of the indicator and change the chart to M1 timeframe so we can use it for the scalping for example:
Welcome to the second part of this series. In the first part, we discussed how to create a simple, movable dashboard. This second part aims to achieve the same objective, but in a more efficient way that's suitable for full-fledged EA/Indicator applications. more...
In this article, we will focus on the third part of Strategy Tester integration with Python. We will see the creation of the CFileCSV class for the efficient management of CSV files. We will examine some examples and the code, so that the readers better understand how this class can be implemented in practice. more...