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  1. ePayments gateway - Newdigital World e-Wallet for premium section subscription

    by , 07-08-2018 at 11:50 AM
    Do not have paypal account?
    Not a probleM: the ePayments gateway is working now so the users of the forum can pay for the premium section without paypal.

    The ePayments service is an association of electronic payment services used by customers in more than 100 countries. portal is using ePayments, and the link to ePayments is on your profile.

    You can transfer payments in EUR, USD and Russian Rubles, ...
    Tags: girls, photo Add / Edit Tags
  2. Good morning - Osamu OBI painting

    by , 09-14-2014 at 02:51 PM
    Osamu OBI

    Name:  Osamu.jpg
Views: 1888
Size:  58.3 KB
  3. Here Are The Drunkest Countries In The World [MAP]

    by , 06-05-2014 at 01:54 AM
    Here Are The Drunkest Countries In The World [MAP]

    Alcohol consumption varies widely across the globe, and the U.S. stacks up pretty well compared to some other countries.
    As the map below from the World Health Organization shows, Russians and their neighbors drink more than almost everyone else in the world.

    Portugal, Grenada, and Andorra are also ranked in the highest category at more than 12.5 liters per person over the age of 15 in 2010.

    WHO notes ...
    Tags: beer, girls, party, vodka Add / Edit Tags
  4. Big banks extend dominance of forex league table

    by , 05-10-2014 at 03:31 AM
    Big banks extend dominance of forex league table

    The biggest banks have reinforced their dominance of the $5.3tn a day foreign exchange market in the past year, according to a closely watched industry survey.

    The combined market share of the top five banks in currency dealing has risen to 60.6 per cent from last year’s 57.4 per cent in Euromoney’s annual poll. It is the first time the combined share of the top five has risen above 60 per cent since 2009.

    The ...
  5. Chuck Berry, Peter Sellars to receive Polar Music Prizes

    by , 05-10-2014 at 03:14 AM
    Chuck Berry, Peter Sellars to receive Polar Music Prizes

    The Polar Music Prize, music's equivalent of the Nobel Prize, will go to two Americans this year: rock 'n' roll icon Chuck Berry and theater/opera director Peter Sellars.

    Both laureates will be presented with the awards by King Carl XVI of Sweden at a gala Aug. 26 in Stockholm.

    The world's most prestigious music prize was founded 25 years ago by Stig "Stikkan" Anderson, ABBA's publisher, lyricist and ...
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