Razer teased its new gaming handheld recently, and we didn’t have to wait long for the full unveiling. At RazerCon this past weekend, the company laid out all the details for its upcoming Razer Edge gaming device, which is as much a tablet as it is a traditional handheld. The Edge will be available in Wi-Fi-only as well as 5G in partnership with Verizon, but we only know the pricing for the Wi-Fi ...
We continue our immersion in the world of artificial intelligence. What is Transfer Learning and why do we need it? Transfer Learning is a machine learning method in which the knowledge of a model trained to solve one problem is reused as a basis for solving new problems. Of course, to solve new problems, the model is preliminarily additionally trained on new data. In the general case, with a properly selected donor model, additional training runs much ...
Nvidia has released a new GeForce video card driver, and it comes with an unexpected bonus feature. The new v522.25 update reportedly removes the cryptocurrency hash rate limits placed on many cards to make them less appealing to miners. This could help Nvidia clear stock of older models as it moves forward with launching the spendy GeForce RTX ...
The economic calendar is lighter, although September Eurozone inflation data is of utmost importance. more...
Germany's economic confidence unexpectedly improved in October, survey results from the ZEW - Leibniz Centre for European Economic Research showed Tuesday. more...