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  1. Figurelli Series Indicator

    by , 12-04-2018 at 06:27 AM
    Figurelli Series Indicator - indicator for MetaTrader 4

    Name:  figurelliiseries.gif
Views: 130
Size:  21.5 KB

    Calculates multiple moving averages trend, looking for divergence, start of reversal and strong trends.

    Default configuration: 36 moving averages series trends compared each other. If indicator value is 36 or -36 indicates a strong rise/fall trend.

    You can also configure the distance between the moving averages, or interval (default=6).
    Tags: figurelli, mtf Add / Edit Tags
  2. DB Strategy: DB FX RiskOscillator indicator with MTF and the advanced popup/email/push alerts

    by , 03-09-2016 at 07:51 AM
    DB FX RiskOscillator indicator with MTF and the advanced popup/email/push alerts


    DB FX RiskOsc_v1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated MTF DB FX RiskOsc indicator with the new set of 32 MAs and with the advanced popup/email/push alerts.

    The version is working for MT4 build 600 and above

    Name:  dbfxriskosc_1 600+.png
Views: 482
Size:  12.7 KB


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  3. MTF Swing (or Volty Channel) System

    by , 02-13-2016 at 01:39 PM
    MTF Swing (or Volty Channel) System


    VoltyChannelSystem_v1.0 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the advanced MTF Swing (or Volty Channel) System which is based on 2 VoltyChannel_Stop indicators with different settings for the trend and swing trading.

    The version is working for MT4 build 600 and above

    Name:  voltychannelsystem_1 600+.png
Views: 423
Size:  11.4 KB


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    Tags: mtf, premium, swing Add / Edit Tags
  4. Better Bbands MTF indicator with MA lock features

    by , 02-09-2016 at 03:52 PM
    Better Bbands MTF indicator with MA lock features


    Better Bbands MTF 2.2 indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is updated Better Bbands MTF indicator with the ability to use the Ma lock features.
    The version is working for MT4 build 600 and above

    Name:  better_bbands_mtf_2.2.png
Views: 277
Size:  14.2 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
  5. Latest News in Premium Trading Forum - UniFisherTransform indicator with MTF and alert/email features

    by , 02-08-2015 at 03:43 PM
    UniFisherTransform indicator with MTF and alert/email features


    UniFisherTransform_v1.2 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. The indicator was improved for milti timeframe feature (MTF). The indicator is used for ProFx system created for premium forum.

    The version is working for MT4 build 600 and above

    Name:  unifisher_1.2 600+.png
Views: 539
Size:  20.6 KB


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