Welcome to the second part of this series. In the first part, we discussed how to create a simple, movable dashboard. This second part aims to achieve the same objective, but in a more efficient way that's suitable for full-fledged EA/Indicator applications. more...
In this article, we will focus on the third part of Strategy Tester integration with Python. We will see the creation of the CFileCSV class for the efficient management of CSV files. We will examine some examples and the code, so that the readers better understand how this class can be implemented in practice. more...
In the previous article I showed you a lot of useful features that you probably did not know, but the most interesting thing is ahead - research or trading simulation. Sometimes a strategy tester is not enough. Although this is a very convenient tool for getting to know the market, but this is only the first step. If you carefully read the previous article, then you most likely know the reason already. more...
Among all the considered models, CNN-LSTM models have generated the best results during the experiments. In this article, we will consider how to create such a model to forecast financial timeseries and how to use the created ONNX model in an MQL5 Expert Advisor. more...
In our previous article, we delved into monoid groups, by exploring concept of symmetry within typical monoids. In introducing an additional axiom that all members of a monoid group must possess an inverse and restricting binary operations between mirror elements to yield the identity element, we extended applicability of monoids at crucial trade decision points. Building upon this, we now continue our study of category theory and its practical applications ...