The Dow Jones Industrial Average ended Friday with a decline of 5.9% year-to-date and still in correction territory 10.7% below its all-time high of 18,351.36 set on May 19. The Dow is up 6.1% since setting its 2016 low of 15,450.56 on Jan. 20. Only one of the eight “Dogs of the Dow” is lagging the Dow since setting their 2016 lows and five have gains between 13.8% and 16.1%. Four of the eight have gains year–to-date led by Verizon, with ...
Market Morning Briefing STOCKS In the last 12 hours, every market has been affected by the sudden event risk emerging out of a Malaysian passenger plane getting shot and destroyed over the Ukraine-Russia border. This tragedy has increased the geopolitical risk a lot with new equations of war cropping up with the presence of American passengers on that plane. Today is the important session for all the major markets to see if the follow-up selling appears or not. ...