Forecasting time series of future prices is critical in various financial market scenarios. Most of the methods that currently exist are based on certain autocorrelation in the data. In other words, we exploit the presence of correlation between time steps that exists both in the input data and in the predicted values. Among the models gaining popularity are those based on the Transformer architecture that use Self-Attention mechanisms for dynamic autocorrelation estimation. Also, we ...
In this article, we build upon the previous work in Part 4 of the MetaQuotes Language 5 (MQL5) series where we added real-time updates to the MQL5 Economic Calendar dashboard. Here, our focus is on making the dashboard more interactive by adding buttons that allow us to directly control the currency pair filters, importance levels, and time range filters, all from the panel itself—without needing to change the settings in the code. We will also include a "Cancel" button that clears the selected ...