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Requests and Raw Ideas

This is a discussion on Requests and Raw Ideas within the General Discussion forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi Eris, This difference is because in the AllAverages indicator is used the classic HMA formula with MA_Method = 3(LWMA) ...

  1. #161
    Hi Eris,

    This difference is because in the AllAverages indicator is used the classic HMA formula with MA_Method = 3(LWMA) and with DampingFactor = 1.


  2. #162
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Thank you

  3. #163
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Hi Igor, The AllHullMATrader works very nicely. However, not to complicate matters, is it possible to add an additional MA setting to the ea?

    The idea is for the EA to only open positions in the direction of the 3rd MA. That is, if HMA1 and HMA2 is above HMA3 then only enter the buy crossovers. And if HMA1 and HMA2 is below HMA3 then only enter the sell crossovers. Any suggestion will also be very much valued.

  4. #164
    Quote Originally Posted by Eris View Post
    Hi Igor, The AllHullMATrader works very nicely. However, not to complicate matters, is it possible to add an additional MA setting to the ea?

    The idea is for the EA to only open positions in the direction of the 3rd MA. That is, if HMA1 and HMA2 is above HMA3 then only enter the buy crossovers. And if HMA1 and HMA2 is below HMA3 then only enter the sell crossovers. Any suggestion will also be very much valued.
    Hi Eris,

    Please check out the updated AllHullMATrader EA with the 3rd HullMA.


  5. #165
    Join Date
    Jun 2015
    Great! Thank you Igor!

  6. #166
    Junior Member
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    I have been testing this EA 1_0 for a good while now and have seen something that may I believe to be an issue.

    When testing with standard price type charts if the price is within slippage I have never seen the EA miss an entry or exit.

    Question: Is the slippage in full pips or micro. I think that may be part of my problem.

    When testing with Mean Renko I see often that there are entries and exits that are either missed completely (entries) or several renko blocks late (have seen that on entry and exits).

    Is there something that can be checked in the EA to optimize it's performance here for Mean Renko? I really like how I can get the MA and price types to swing and avoid the chop by using Mean Renko, but there is something odd going on with orders occasionally. I want to test with range bar charts as well but have not gone there just yet.

    Could there possibly be a 'retry' built in if it misses an order?

    Please let me know your thoughts.

    Last edited by cesande; 08-11-2015 at 02:23 AM.

  7. #167
    Join Date
    Dec 2013
    ND, Igorad

    Have you guys ever come across an MT4 ATR indicator that displays ATR as pips. See the attached that describes the concept I am referring to.



  8. #168
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    I think - it is not for MT4 (may be I am wrong ...)
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  9. #169
    Quote Originally Posted by cesande View Post
    I have been testing this EA 1_0 for a good while now and have seen something that may I believe to be an issue.

    When testing with standard price type charts if the price is within slippage I have never seen the EA miss an entry or exit.

    Question: Is the slippage in full pips or micro. I think that may be part of my problem.

    When testing with Mean Renko I see often that there are entries and exits that are either missed completely (entries) or several renko blocks late (have seen that on entry and exits).

    Is there something that can be checked in the EA to optimize it's performance here for Mean Renko? I really like how I can get the MA and price types to swing and avoid the chop by using Mean Renko, but there is something odd going on with orders occasionally. I want to test with range bar charts as well but have not gone there just yet.

    Could there possibly be a 'retry' built in if it misses an order?

    Please let me know your thoughts.


    Hi cesande,

    Please check out the updated AllHullMATrader EA which use the updated AllHullMA_v3.3ea 600+ indicator.

    Alex-162 and mntiwana like this.

  10. #170
    Join Date
    Mar 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by pakeha View Post
    ND, Igorad

    Have you guys ever come across an MT4 ATR indicator that displays ATR as pips. See the attached that describes the concept I am referring to.


    I think this is what you are looking for...........


    ATR in Pips.ex4
    ATR in Pips.mq4

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