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  1. MultiHedg_1 - EA for MetaTrader 5

    by , 03-09-2017 at 02:03 PM
    MultiHedg_1 - EA for MetaTrader 5

    Name:  multi1.png
Views: 245
Size:  74.8 KB

    Multi Advisor in user-defined time opens market position to choose Buy or Sell. You can also set the closing position at a particular time, select the currency, select the percentage of the profit or loss for the closing of all positions.

    You can specify up to ten characters in the settings (with possible repetitions). Warning: if you specify a non-existent symbol - Advisor unloaded with
  2. Ichimoku Basics

    by , 03-03-2017 at 10:04 AM
    Ichimoku Basics

    Name:  ftse-100-w1-g-e-b.png
Views: 145
Size:  37.1 KB

  3. How I Trade the Ichimoku Cloud

    by , 03-02-2017 at 01:04 PM
    How I Trade the Ichimoku Cloud

    Name:  eurobund-h4-g-e-b.png
Views: 104
Size:  26.0 KB

  4. Finding Swing Points For Only 15 Minutes Per Day)

    by , 03-01-2017 at 10:01 AM
    Name:  audusd-d1-metaquotes-software-corp.png
Views: 127
Size:  29.5 KB

    You will learn three simple reversals you can use (without indicators) and how to apply these setups to your daily analysis, even if you have a day job. These are simple, powerful naked trading patterns that repeat on all timeframes and all currency pairs. Bring your questions about the current charts, we will spend the last half of the webinar looking at the live markets.
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