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  1. “Fast & Furious 7” Blows Its Budget by a Whopping $50 Million (€36.5 Million)

    by , 05-23-2014 at 02:42 PM
    Name:  Fast-Furious-7-Blows-its-Budget-by-a-Whopping-50-Million-36-5-Million.jpg
Views: 313
Size:  57.3 KB

    As you may or may not know, the production of the latest Fast & Furious film was stopped abruptly last year, when one of its major stars, Paul Walker, was killed in a car crash. This year, it resumed in April, after it was determined that Paul could be replaced by an intricate tactic of using his brothers as body doubles and a computer to generate his face on film.

    Today, we find out from the Hollywood Reporter that the said intricate ...
  2. Brainwashing Trading System

    by , 05-12-2014 at 01:26 PM
    Just some example of open trade for now using this system with Brainwashing EA :

    Name:  bw_1205.png
Views: 254
Size:  32.4 KB

    Brainwashing Trading System is on this thread
    - for MT4 is on this post
    - for MT5 is on this post
  3. Blau Signal System

    by , 05-10-2014 at 08:54 PM
    There are 2 interesting indicators which can be good trading system : Blau Signal System
    • AddSignal_v1 indicator (which is using two other indicators: MACDofHA_v1 and MAofHA_v1), and
    • Blau eco-jurik indicator

    All indicators are attached to this post (inside zip archives)


    1. If your MT4 is having 509 build (or any below 600) so use mql4 files attached. I mean -
    • place mql4 files in indicators filder,
    • compile in MetaEditor,
    • open chart
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Files
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