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  1. Experiments with neural networks (Part 3): Practical application

    by , 03-11-2023 at 01:33 AM
    Name:  3140203.png
Views: 67
Size:  11.6 KB

    In the previous articles of the series Revisiting geometry and Smart neural network optimization, I shared my observations and experiments with neural networks. Besides, I carried out the optimization of the resulting EAs and provided some explanations of their work. Despite all this, I barely touched the subject of the practical application of the obtained results. In this article, I will fix this unfortunate omission.

    I will show the
  2. Creating an EA that works automatically (Part 03): New functions

    by , 03-07-2023 at 01:14 AM
    Name:  magicnumber11.png
Views: 58
Size:  7.0 KB

    In the previous article Creating an EA that works automatically (Part 02): Getting started with the code, we started to develop an order system that we will use in our automated EA. However, we have created only one of the necessary functions.
    Now ..., we can add other necessary functions to the EA, which will cover more than 90% of the cases.
  3. Creating a ticker tape panel: Improved version

    by , 02-24-2023 at 01:45 AM
    Name:  0019.png
Views: 78
Size:  34.2 KB

    In the previous article Creating a ticker panel: Basic version, we have seen how to create an indicator in the form of a panel displaying a tape of real-time symbol prices. However, in the previous article we did not implement the indicator completely, not because it was impossible, but because our goal was to show the process of creating the indicator, to see how to make it work with the least amount of code in order to give the impression that
  4. Creating a ticker tape panel: Basic version

    by , 02-23-2023 at 01:44 AM
    Name:  ScreenRecorderProject17.jpg
Views: 38
Size:  30.8 KB

    Some people may find price tape panels that are built into some platforms and that display individual asset quotes pretty cool.
    This idea is quite interesting to implement and develop and it can also be a very useful resource for many, which is why I decided to show how to create the code for such a panel.
  5. Population optimization algorithms: Firefly Algorithm (FA)

    by , 02-20-2023 at 01:42 AM
    Nature has always been an inspiration for many metaheuristic algorithms. It managed to find solutions to problems without prompting, based on individual experience. Natural selection and survival of the fittest were the main motivation for the creation of early metaheuristic algorithms. In nature, animals communicate with each other in many ways. Fireflies use their ability to blink to communicate. There are about 2000 species of fireflies with their own special flash patterns.

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