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paypal, skrill, webmoney and advcash for premium section subscription

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by , 09-23-2020 at 05:26 AM (1822 Views)
For information about how to subscribe to the premium section:

1. paypal continues to work automatically - you can subscribe and unsubscribe by yourself; go to the Settings (on the top right corner of the page) - Paid Subscription (on the left side);

2. ePayments stops working (stops working for everybody, they are planning to resume working in several months);

3. you can use skrill (former moneybookers) and advanced cash (advcash); if you are planning to use those systems to subscribe so please send PM to me to know about HowTo.

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  1. christianmaryschka@bnet.a's Avatar
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    I used paypal to pay the premium subscription - but that does not seem to work.
    Can't read or download premium content...

    Where can I find help?
    Thank you.
  2. newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christianmaryschka@bnet.a
    I used paypal to pay the premium subscription - but that does not seem to work.
    Can't read or download premium content...

    Where can I find help?
    Thank you.
    As I see - you are the premium member, and you can read and download everything in premium section -


    Structure of the premium section (to find everything in easy way):

    Indicators and so on

    1. Indicators' section
    2. Wiki thread for this section
    3. Request's thread

    EAs in premium section

    1. EAs
    2. Wiki thread for this section
    3. Request's thread for EAs' section -
  3. newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by christianmaryschka@bnet.a
    I used paypal to pay the premium subscription - but that does not seem to work.
    Can't read or download premium content...

    Where can I find help?
    Thank you.
    read post #162
    and use this public thread for any help: