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  1. ChandelierStopTrader EA

    by , 08-01-2020 at 05:07 AM
    ChandelierStopTrader EA


    ChandelierStopTrader_v1.0 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This advanced EA is having the following feature: initial stoploss and trailing stop by the ChandelierStop indicator, breakeven and partial close, advanced time filter and money management.

    Name:  chandelierstoptrader_1 600+.png
Views: 228
Size:  18.2 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  2. CurrencyStrengthBoard and CurrencyStrengthHistory with prefix suffix options

    by , 08-01-2020 at 02:01 AM
    CurrencyStrengthBoard and CurrencyStrengthHistory indicators with prefix and suffix options


    CurrencyStrengthBoard_v1.5 600+ indicator and CurrencyStrengthHistory_v1.2 600+ indicator were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the updated CurrencyStrengthBoard and CurrencyStrengthHistory indicators with ability to enter prefix and suffix for the specified broker.

    Name:  csb_1.5 600+.png
Views: 212
Size:  111.6 KB

    ---------- ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. Offline Charts: HeikenAshiLiveChart indicator using the AllAverages algorithms

    by , 07-31-2020 at 09:01 PM
    Offline Charts: HeikenAshiLiveChart indicator updated


    HeikenAshiLiveChart_v1.2 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated HeikenLiveChart indicator with ability to use 2 different smoothings using the AllAverages algorithms.

    Name:  halivechart_1.2 600+.png
Views: 118
Size:  11.6 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. Advanced version of AllKindsOfRSI indicator which allows to show divergences

    by , 07-31-2020 at 04:41 AM
    AllKindsOfRSI indicator


    AllKindsOfRSI_v1.2 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the advanced version of AllKindsOfRSI indicator which allows to show divergences.

    Name:  allkindsofrsi_v1.2 600+.png
Views: 115
Size:  19.0 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  5. TickScalper EAs: ''super more safe' setting

    by , 07-31-2020 at 02:28 AM
    TickScalper EAs


    TickScalper_v3.44 EA with 'super more safe' settings was uploaded for Premium Trading Forum. This EA is using tick indicators and most profitable pairs for this EA/settings are EURUSD, USDCHF, GBPJPY and EURGBP.

    Name:  eurgbp-m1-alpari-limited-tickscalper-supermore-safe-settings.png
Views: 172
Size:  43.3 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.\