How to Start with Metatrader 5
, 05-11-2014 at 02:07 PM (2110 Views)
How to Start with Metatrader 5
How to start with MT5 platform : summary.
As our topic about "How to start with Metatrader 5" is going to be huge, here you find a summary, with main links.
- A very good article to learn how to use this site.
- For a general overview of changements and improvements in MT5 plateform, read MetaTrader 5 - More Than You Can Imagine!
- Probably the biggest revolution is in management of trades : Orders, Positions and Deals in MetaTrader 5
- Vidéo : You can now change your stoploss/takeprofit by mouse directly on the chart.
- What is "trading on closed bar" ?
- About Signals : a mini-faq by newdigital, and some interesting information from his experience.
- Your first Expert Advisor ? Do you know you can create automated trading without programming ?
- Metaquotes has too his own Cloud network to help optimize your trading strategy. You have also plenty possibilities to backtesting a strategy.
- Vidéo : How to change period (timeframe) of current chart ? MT5 have many more available timeframes. (another method to do it).
- You want to try manual trading, but you don't even an idea how ? A very good system to begin.
- If you are using Linux, it'is possible to use MT5, but with some limitations.
- Who Is Who in
For developpers.
- If you want to begin to programming with MT5, here is good step-by-step guide.
- If you come from MQL4, this article is a must.
- A very good and easy to understand article about use of arrays.
- Big news with MT5 is possibility to use OOP (Object Oriented Programming), specially we have now a Standard Library : great feature !