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Developing a self-adapting algorithm (Part I): Finding a basic pattern

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by , 02-08-2021 at 03:34 PM (1845 Views)
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Any trading algorithm is generally a tool which may bring profit to an experienced trader or instantly destroy a deposit of an inexperienced one. The issue of creating a profitable and reliable algorithm is that we cannot understand what needs to be done in order to earn money and what methods are used by "successful traders". While HFT, arbitrage, option strategies and calendar spread-based systems boast a solid theoretical basis clearly stating what needs to be done to make profit, the algorithms based on price analysis and fundamental data are much more ambiguous. This area has no full-fledged theoretical basis that would describe pricing making it extremely difficult to create a stable trading algorithm. Trading turns into art here, while science helps systematizing everything.

But is it possible to create a fully automated trading algorithm based only on the analysis of price changes working on any trading instrument without optimization and with no need to manually adjust parameters for each trading instrument separately? Is there an algorithm you can simply apply to a necessary trading instrument chart so that it immediately defines profitable parameters for it?

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  1. matfx's Avatar
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    I have read the part 1 and part 2 articles. Interesting