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The power of ZigZag (part I).

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by , 03-09-2019 at 05:59 PM (990 Views)
The power of ZigZag (part I). Developing the base class of the indicator

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Many researchers simply skip or do not pay enough attention to determining the price behavior. At the same time, complex methods are used, which very often are simply “black boxes”, such as machine learning or neural networks. The most important question arising in that case is what data to submit for training a particular model. In this article, we will expand the tools for such studies. You will find out how to select more appropriate symbols for trading before searching for the optimal parameters. To achieve this, we will use a modified version of ZigZag indicator and the code class that significantly simplifies obtaining and working with data of indicators belonging to this type.
In this series of articles, we will implement:

  • a modified version of ZigZag indicator
  • a class for obtaining ZigZaga data
  • an EA for testing the process of obtaining the data
  • indicators defining the price behavior
  • an EA with a graphical interface for collecting the price behavior statistics
  • an EA following ZigZag signals

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