Last week, AMD launched its largest midrange hardware update in years, codenamed Polaris. Polaris isn’t a brand-new architecture — that’s Vega, which arrives late this year — but it’s arguably a larger update than anything we’ve seen from AMD since the original GCN debuted in late 2011. GCN 1.1 (Bonaire, Hawaii) and 1.2 (Tonga, Fiji) both improved on the original microarchitecture and integrated ...
The idea of a portable PC gaming system that could handle a wide range of games and operating systems is an attractive one. But a recent Kickstarter that claims it can deliver such a product should be taken with an extremely large grain of salt. At first glance, the Portable Game System for PC games (PGS), by PGS Labs, looks as if it ticks all the right boxes. It’s intended to boot both ...
The PS4K, also known as the PlayStation Neo, has been widely discussed for months now, and Sony has even quietly confirmed that it’s in the works. But what about a simple mid-cycle PS4 redesign along the lines of the Xbox One S or the PS3 slim? It seems as if that minor hardware revision might be on its way sooner than we expected. In an article in the Wall Street Journal, Takashi Mochizuki ...
When Microsoft launched the Xbox One, it showcased the console’s unique value-added proposition by partnering with a variety of companies, not just game developers. Xbox Fitness was a launch title for the platform that utilized the Kinect 2.0 sensor to provide feedback on user form and to track calories burned. Unfortunately, Microsoft just announced that it would sunset the service, effective ...
Optical discs have ruled console game distribution for decades, but recent trademark filings from Nintendo and a memory supplier report from earlier this year suggest that the company may be shaking things up with NX console. Nintendo is rumored to be adopting cartridges instead of discs for its upcoming platform, which is currently expected to launch at the end of Nintendo’s ...