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  1. AMD unveils its own CPU recommendations for Oculus VR

    by , 02-21-2016 at 03:12 PM

    Earlier this week, Oculus opened pre-orders for systems and configurations that it believes will deliver an acceptable VR experience. Overall, it’s probably best if consumers hold off on pre-ordering VR equipment — but since we’ve spent most of our time discussing the GPU side of the equation, the CPU deserves some love as well.
    Jason Evangelho of Forbes sat down with AMD to talk ...
    Tags: amd, forbes, oculus Add / Edit Tags
  2. Bryan Fuller. I have no explanation for the fox. The new Star Trek series

    by , 02-19-2016 at 05:06 PM

    CBS has announced that the upcoming Star Trek TV show will be helmed by Brian Fuller, creator of Wonderfalls, Pushing Daisies, and Hannibal. Before he created these shows, Fuller was a writer on both Star Trek: Deep Space Nine*and Voyager, and has talked about the idea of bringing the series back to television for nearly a decade.

    Fuller, who has been a Star Trek fan since ...
  3. Oculus announces first Rift bundles, certified PCs - The first wave of systems consists of desktops from Asus and Dell

    by , 02-19-2016 at 12:06 PM

    Oculus promised it would unveil certified PCs and bundles that would meet the demands of its own VR solution. It’s now unveiled the first of those systems, as promised, though there’s been some confusion regarding price points and bundles. We’ll help you sort it out.

    The first wave of systems consists of desktops from Asus and Dell (Alienware is a Dell subsidiary). The cheapest ...
    Tags: asus, dell, oculus Add / Edit Tags
  4. How much RAM do you need, and What about high-end gaming performance?

    by , 02-14-2016 at 03:03 PM

    Welcome to ExtremeTech’s comprehensive RAM guide, in which we’ll answer a broad range of questions related to how much system RAM you need these days, whether or not it’s worth it to upgrade older systems, and whether DDR3 or DDR4 (the new main types of system RAM) is a better investment option.

    It’s interesting to look back and see how much things have changed over the past twenty ...
  5. Bethesda’s Doom reboot drops May 13, it looks a fair bit like the Brutal Doom mod for the modern game

    by , 02-13-2016 at 05:21 PM

    After a whopping eight years in development, Bethesda has finally given a date for the next iteration of Doom. On May 13, players will finally suit up as, erm, Anonymous Space Marine, to take on the forces of Hell and/or an evil corporation. It’s all a bit vague, you see. All of Bethesda’s trailers have been heavy on action, extremely short on gameplay, and today’s launch trailer is no different. ...
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