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  1. Good morning - Stacy Polson's Fabric Art

    by , 05-21-2015 at 02:37 AM
    Stacy Polson's Fabric Art.

    Name:  Stacy Polson.jpg
Views: 445
Size:  86.6 KB
  2. AMD’s comprehensive roadmap update: 2016 in mobile, desktop, and servers - AMD’s desktop and mobile roadmaps

    by , 05-21-2015 at 11:04 PM

    One of the key components of AMD’s Analyst Day has been a comprehensive set of updates for its various product roadmaps. We’ve rounded up that information and rolled it into a single post. We’ve already covered AMD’s Zen, K12, and cancellation of Project Skybridge, so we won’t be discussing those projects directly.

    AMD’s desktop and mobile roadmaps

    Under ...
    Tags: zen cpu Add / Edit Tags
  3. Art Photos mixed - photo by VG

    by , 05-22-2015 at 02:26 AM
    photo by VG

    Name:  VG.jpg
Views: 263
Size:  80.2 KB
  4. Art Photos mixed - photo by Jurijs Suhodolskis

    by , 05-22-2015 at 11:26 PM
    photo by Jurijs Suhodolskis

    Name:  utro.jpg
Views: 288
Size:  101.1 KB
  5. AMD analyst day sketches big picture, leaves critical details unanswered - Note the PC market revenue projections

    by , 05-22-2015 at 03:45 PM

    Now that AMD’s first analyst day in three years has wrapped and we’ve covered the major highlights, it’s time to turn to the elephant in the room: Can AMD break into new markets and compete more effectively in established ones, given that it’s often at a severe financial and technological disadvantage compared with its rivals? AMD claims that it can, but some of the evidence it offered yesterday was ...
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