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  1. The 10 Best Grammy Acceptance Speeches

    by , 02-10-2024 at 05:16 PM
    It’s one of the most beloved Grammy traditions: the speech. When a star walks up to the microphone on live TV, you never know what to expect. Some of them just accept their award and give thanks. Others make jokes. A few speak from the heart. And some make people angry. But they’re always a highlight of the ceremony. There are all kinds of legendary Grammy speeches — these moments remain iconic through the years, even if it’s sometimes for the wrong reasons. But these are just a few of the classic ...
  2. Data label for time series mining (Part 6):Apply and Test in EA Using ONNX

    by , 02-10-2024 at 04:39 PM
    We discussed in the previous article how to use socket (websocket) to communicate between EA and python server to solve the backtesting problem, and also discussed why we adopted this technique. In this article, we will discuss how to use onnx, which is natively supported by mql5, to perform inference with our model, but this method has some limitations. If your model uses operators that are not supported by onnx, it may end in failure, so this method is not suitable for all models (of course, you
  3. Ready-made templates for including indicators to Expert Advisors (Part 2): Volume and Bill Williams indicators

    by , 02-10-2024 at 07:10 AM
    The article continues the topic of ready-made templates for using indicators in EAs. Here we will look at connecting to EAs and using volume and Bill Williams' indicators. We will display the data received from indicators on the dashboard created in the first article of this series. The panel has also been improved. At the end of the article, we will briefly look at its changes and improvements.
  4. Wrapping ONNX models in classes

    by , 02-10-2024 at 04:19 AM
    In the previous article, we used two ONNX models to arrange the voting classifier. The entire source text was organized as a single MQ5 file. The entire code was divided into functions. But what if we try to swap models? Or add another model? The original text will become even bigger. Let's try the object-oriented approach.