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  1. Data Science and ML (Part 31): Using CatBoost AI Models for Trading

    by , 11-09-2024 at 03:41 PM
    CatBoost is an open-source software library with gradient-boosting algorithms on decision trees, it was designed specifically to address the challenges of handling categorical features and data in machine learning.

    It was developed by Yandex and was made open-source in the year of 2017, read more.
    Despite being introduced recently compared to machine learning techniques such as Linear regression or SVM's, CatBoost gained massive popularity among AI communities and rose to
  2. MQL5 Wizard Techniques you should know (Part 42): ADX Oscillator

    by , 11-09-2024 at 06:03 AM
    The ADX indicator is an oscillator that is meant to measure how strong a given trend in the market is for the security to which it is attached. This article thus, like some that were preceding it, examines the various patterns exhibited by this indicator in a custom signal class file, for wizard assembled Expert Advisors. We review one pattern at a time as we have in the previous articles covering RSI, Bollinger Bands, and the RSI and then conclude with a test that includes all patterns to