New LabTrend indicators for the MT4 ---------- New LabTrend indicators for the Metatrader 4 were created for Premium Trading Forum: LabTrend1_v5LabTrend2_v5LabTrend3_v5 This is the latest Asctrend indicators with LabTrade by name. Indicators are having multi timeframe feature and all kinds of alert incl email alert ---------- ...
Half Trend - indicator for MetaTrader 5 Change of trend is indicated by arrows (' UpArrow_ ' and ' DnArrow_ ')
PointAndFigureChart and PointAndFigureTrend indicators for Metatrader 5 ---------- PointAndFigureChart_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 and PointAndFigureTrend_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the advanced PointAndFigure indicators which allows to get the PnF Close/Open prices in the Data Window and with all kinds of alerts incl email alert and push notification. ...
Labtrend for TradeStation ---------- Labtrend TradeStation Trading system was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is simplified version of the well-known ASCTrend (AbleTrend) system. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.