Universal Multi-pole and Multi-order filter based on EMA ---------- UniEMA_v2 indicator for Metatrader 4 was programmed for Premium Trading Forum. Now we have the moving average with an effective universal algorithm that can help to build any of known MAs based on EMA. The unique formula of the smoothing factor allows to get very smooth curves with any number of sequential smoothings without additional lag. ...
AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow ---------- AllHeikin-Ashi subwindow_v2.7 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is MTF indicator with smooth feature, UptrendColor/DowntrendColor parameters and all kinds of alerts incl email alert and Push Notification. The indicator is having new parameter ShowNextTimeFrame (if true then you'll see the next timeframe). ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium ...
CandleRangeInPips indicator for MT5 ---------- CandleRangeInPips_v1 indicator for MT5 was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is MTF indicator for metatrader 5 for estimating the candle range in pips in separate window of the chart. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
TrendEnvelopesSignal indicator with First Signals mode ---------- TrendEnvelopesSignal_v1.3 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is very advanced indicator with MTF feature, all kinds of alerts and with the ability to plot the First Signals only (use Signals Mode parameter). ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
UniAbsoluteMarket indicator updated for the EAs ---------- UniAbsoluteMarket_v2.1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated UniAbsoluteMarket indicator (regular version and for using in EAs) which corresponds the latest version of the UniAbsoluteStrength indicator. The indicator is having ability to find 8 market conditions: Bull Market, Bear Market, Correction, Bear Rally, Choppy Market, Sideways Market, Overbought Market and Oversold Market. ...