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  1. RSI with Hann windowing

    by , 12-17-2021 at 11:31 AM
    Rsi with Hann windowing - indicator for MetaTrader 5

    Name:  gbpusd-m15-metaquotes-software-corp-7.png
Views: 303
Size:  16.8 KB

    In his article in January 2022 issue of TASC, “(Yet Another) Improved RSI,” John Ehlers explains how he enhances the RSI by taking advantage of Hann windowing. The RSIH indicator provides a smoother calculation than the classic RSI and has a zero mean. The inherent smoothing in the computation removes the need for supplemental filtering.
  2. UniVolumeDeltaTrader EA

    by , 12-17-2021 at 05:01 AM
    UniVolumeDeltaTrader EA updated


    UniVolumeDeltaTrader_v1.1 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is fixed and updated EA which is based on the UniVolumeDelta indicator to implement the Volume Delta Chart type in the MT4 where Buyers and Sellers are separated with using of the Tug-of-War model.

    Name:  univoldelta_ea_1 600+.png
Views: 115
Size:  14.4 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to ...
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  3. Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA

    by , 12-17-2021 at 01:01 AM
    Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA


    Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA_v1.0 EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This advanced EA is coded according to the member's request, and it is using UniZigZagChannel_v1.9ea 600+ and Heiken Ashi Ma T3 new 2 indicators.

    Name:  ha ma t3 unizigzag ea_v1.0.png
Views: 77
Size:  14.9 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. PnFTrend Dashboard indicator with new Box Size Modes

    by , 12-16-2021 at 08:14 PM
    PnFTrend Dashboard indicator with the new sets of MAs/prices and Box Size Modes


    PnFTrend Dashboard_v1.2 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated PnFTrend Dashboard with the new sets of MAs and prices, plus I added 2 Box Size Modes: price percentage and ATR multiplier. Also there is the new parameter ShowBoxesNumber which allows to see the Number Of Boxes in column:
    - 10 for BoxSizeMode = Pips
    - 0.1 for BoxSizeMode ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  5. UniVolumeDeltaTrader EA with CurrencyStrengthBoard as a filter

    by , 12-16-2021 at 12:20 PM
    UniVolumeDeltaTrader EA updated to use the CurrencyStrengthBoard as a filter


    UniVolumeDeltaTrader_v1.1 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated UniVolumeDeltaTrader which can use the CurrencyStrengthBoard as a filter that allows to open orders when the symbol strength ratio crosses (or more) the given level(csbStrongLevel). Besides the EA can switch on the most strongest symbol automatically if csbOutputForSymbol="" and csbUseMaxChgSymbol=true. ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
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