This is a discussion on Universal ZigZag Channel within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi Igorad, Can you please add ATR variable to the UniZigZagSemaphore indicator so that I can experiment with different values ...
Hi tradewiser,
It's already done and you may enter something similar as shown on the picture.
Attachment 6222
Hello Igorad. Thanks for the indicator. I've tried it but I really need a 3 level sema that works like what I have copied below. The one I have works fine except on the 5m chart (so I've had to delete it). When in use on 5m chart it hangs up my CPU on my laptop (new fall 2013 - a nice one, so the laptop isn't the problem). No one can tell me how to fix it or why it is doing this. Don't know if you have any interest, but if you can make a modified version that won't hang up my laptop so that I can still see the 5m chart--I would forever be in your debt. With gratitude and humbled by your coding skills. Thanks! Lisa
extern double Period1=5;
extern double Period2=13;
extern double Period3=34;
extern string Dev_Step_1="1,3";
extern string Dev_Step_2="8,5";
extern string Dev_Step_3="13,8
i'm, studing this indicator and i still did not get everything from it, I have e question.
I understand that I can change the extern RetraceMethod to 2 to visualize % of Price
which values i have to put into the extern to see 1% or 3%, and why 4 value?
I do not know the reply sorry ... but as I see from MetaEditor -
Retrace Method: 0-channel, 1-% of Price, 2-Price Change in pips, 3-Ratio of ATR
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Hi Lisa,
Please check out the fixed 3_Level_ZZ_Semafor indicator which is based now on the last version of the MT4 ZigZag. I suppose it should solve your problem.
Attachment 6375
UniZigZagChannel_v1.6? This 1.6 version was not modified for 600+ builld of Metatrader. Try the latest versions :
- Universal UniZigZagChannel_v1.6 indicator is on this post.
- UniZigZagChannel_v1.8 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
- Universal ZigZag Semaphore v4 indicator is on this post.
- UniZigZagSemaphore_v4 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
- 3_Level_ZZ_Semafor_v2 600+ indicator is on this post. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
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There was a request to add a mid level to this indicator earlier in the thread so now that the buffer restrictions no longer apply I have added the extra level.
UniZigZagChannel_midline 600+.mq4