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DailyFX Economic Calendar

This is a discussion on DailyFX Economic Calendar within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, Please check out the DailyFX Economic Calendar indicator for the new MT4 with the following usefull options: Auto TimeZone ...


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  1. #1

    DailyFX Economic Calendar


    Please check out the DailyFX Economic Calendar indicator for the new MT4 with the following usefull options:

    • Auto TimeZone
    • Box Alert before event
    • Country Filter (8 contries and EU)
    • News Importance Filter(L,M,H)
    • advanced display settings(flags, background, fonts, subwindow etc)

    input string      CalendarDirectory    = "DailyFX News"; //Calendar Directory
    input string      CalendarName         = "DailyFX ";     //Calendar Name 
    input int         DownloadPause        =       120;      //Pause Between Downloads(sec) 
    input int         TimeMode             =         0;      //Time Mode:0-Broker's,1-Local,2-Custom
    input int         TimeZone             =         3;      //Time Zone
    input bool        AlertOn              =     false;      //AlertOn
    input double      AlertTimeGap         =         1;      //News & Alert Time Gap(min) 
    input bool        PrintInLog           =     false;      //Print in Log
    input bool        DisplayPanel         =      true;      //Display Information Panel
    input bool        DisplayFlags         =      true;      //Display Flags Option
    input bool        DisplayLines         =      true;      //Display Lines Option
    input bool        DisplayText          =     false;      //Display Text Option
    input bool        DisplayEvents        =      true;      //Display Events Option
    input int         LineStyle            =         3;      //Line Style
    input int         MaxEventLength       =        27;      //News Max Length(in symbols) 
    input bool        LoadCalendarHistory  =     false;      //Load Calendar History
    input datetime    LoadHistoryFrom      = D'2009.10.11';  //Load Calendar History From Date
    input bool        SaveHTMFormat        =     false;      //Save HTM Format
    input string      countryFilter        = " Country Filter(None-off, color-on): "; 
    input color       EUR                  =   clrPink;      //Euro Zone(EUR)    
    input color       USD                  = clrDodgerBlue;  //US(USD)
    input color       JPY                  = clrOrange;      //Japan(JPY)
    input color       GBP                  =    clrRed;      //UK(GBP) 
    input color       CHF                  = clrMagenta;     //Switzerland(CHF) 
    input color       AUD                  =  clrGreen;      //Australia(AUD)
    input color       CAD                  = clrTomato;      //Canada(CAD) 
    input color       NZD                  =   clrGray;      //New Zealand(NZD)   
    input color       CNY                  = clrOrange;      //China(CNY) 
    input string      impFilter            = " Importance Filter: ";
    input string      NewsImportance       =   "L,M,H";      //News Importance Filter ("" - all)
    input string      graphSets            = " Graph Settings: ";  
    input int         window               =         0;      //Window: 0-chart window,1-1st subwindow,2-2nd subwindow and so on
    input int         step_X               =        20;
    input int         step_Y               =        20;
    input int         offset_X             =        30;
    input int         offset_Y             =        30;
    input string      textFontName         =   "Arial";
    input string      headFontName         = "Arial Black";   
    input int         fontSize             =         8;
    input color       textColor            = clrSilver;
    input color       timeColor            = clrSilver;
    input color       lowImportanceColor   = clrLightBlue;
    input color       medImportanceColor   = clrOrange;
    input color       highImportanceColor  =    clrRed; 
    input color       betterNewsColor      = clrGreenYellow; //Better News Color
    input color       worseNewsColor       = clrTomato;      //Worse News Color       
    input uchar       upcomNewsArrowCode   =       108;
    input color       upcomNewsArrowColor  = clrMediumSeaGreen;
    input color       backgroundColor      = C'0,50,70';     //Background Color: None-off, color-on
    input int         backgroundBorder     =        -1;      //Background Border: -1-off,0...2-on
    • MT4 version

    Attachment 12288

    • MT5 version

    Attachment 12289

    Please unzip the archive with national flags to MQL4/Images directory.


    2014.10.03 - version v2.1: fixed and updated with the new option - Display Events.
    2014.10.06 - the MT5 version added.
    2014.12.29 - fixed and updated versions v2.2(MT4) and v2.1(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.03.04 - fixed and updated versions v3.0 600+(MT4) and v3.0(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.03.20 - fixed versions v3.1 600+(MT4) and v3.1(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.04.10 - updated versions v3.3 600+(MT4) and v3.3(MT5) uploaded. Since these versions we'll use common .csv format with the ForexFactoryNews indicator.
    2015.05.15 - fixed versions v3.4 600+(MT4) and v3.4(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2015.09.01 - fixed versions v3.5 600+(MT4) and v3.5(MT5) uploaded. Now you can use your Broker's, Local and any other time to see the DailyFX Calendar.
    2016.01.25 - fixed versions v3.6 600+(MT4) and v3.6(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2016.03.09 - fixed and updated versions v3.7 600+(MT4) and v3.7(MT5) uploaded with the new parameter DisplayPanel.
    2016.06.27 - fixed versions v3.8 600+(MT4) and v3.8(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2017.01.17 - fixed version v3.9 600+(MT4) uploaded because of a minor bug if the Currency Color=None.
    2017.04.10 - updated versions v4.0 600+(MT4) and v3.9(MT5) uploaded with the new parameter useImportanceColor.
    2017.04.12 - fixed versions v4.1 600+(MT4) and v4.0(MT5) uploaded.

    Attached Files Attached Files

  2. #2
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    It works good,
    Thanks a lot!

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily3.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily1.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily4.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily2.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily5.png
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    is this indicator sitll active? it wont work for me guys. please help

  4. #4
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by khyzee View Post
    is this indicator sitll active? it wont work for me guys. please help
    The following indiucators are active now (by the way, the news indicators/EA are working when the market is open, but the market is close during the weened and the price is not moved because of that) -

    IN10TION NewsReader indicator is on this thread (first post of the thread). This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above).
    The version (9.99v) for the old MT4 build 509 is on this post. Economic Calendar indicator for MT4 and MT5 is on this thread. This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above). Economic Calendar indicator is on this thread. This is the new Economic Calendar which looks similar to the FF Calendar and has the same options. This calendar can be used as an alternative of the FF and DailyFX calendars that now are unable to use in MT4/5 terminals.This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above).

    NewsTrader EA based on the calendar instead of the DailyFX calendar is on this thread. This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above).
    - Templates (the settings) for 5.98 version are on this post.
    - Pre-set files for the pairs are here.
    - Pre-set files (attached) for NewsTrader_v6.3 600+ EA is on this post.
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  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Excelent job. Thank you Igorad.

  6. #6
    Important: Please download the updated version v2.1 with the new option.
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  7. #7
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Tested dailyFX_v_2.1 on MT4 build 711 and working ok.

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-dailyfx-cal.jpg
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  8. #8
    Important: Please download the MT5 version from the first post.
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  9. #9
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    MT5 version works fine. Thanks

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-eurusd-h4-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-18515.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-eurusd-m5-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-44699.png
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  10. #10
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    This dailyfx indicator is working fine. I think - it is the best indicator for economic calendar - thanks to Igorad.

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-usdchf-d1-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-2986.png
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