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DailyFX Economic Calendar

This is a discussion on DailyFX Economic Calendar within the Trading tools forums, part of the Trading Forum category; Hi, Please check out the DailyFX Economic Calendar indicator for the new MT4 with the following usefull options: Auto TimeZone ...

  1. #1

    DailyFX Economic Calendar


    Please check out the DailyFX Economic Calendar indicator for the new MT4 with the following usefull options:

    • Auto TimeZone
    • Box Alert before event
    • Country Filter (8 contries and EU)
    • News Importance Filter(L,M,H)
    • advanced display settings(flags, background, fonts, subwindow etc)

    input string      CalendarDirectory    = "DailyFX News"; //Calendar Directory
    input string      CalendarName         = "DailyFX ";     //Calendar Name 
    input int         DownloadPause        =       120;      //Pause Between Downloads(sec) 
    input int         TimeMode             =         0;      //Time Mode:0-Broker's,1-Local,2-Custom
    input int         TimeZone             =         3;      //Time Zone
    input bool        AlertOn              =     false;      //AlertOn
    input double      AlertTimeGap         =         1;      //News & Alert Time Gap(min) 
    input bool        PrintInLog           =     false;      //Print in Log
    input bool        DisplayPanel         =      true;      //Display Information Panel
    input bool        DisplayFlags         =      true;      //Display Flags Option
    input bool        DisplayLines         =      true;      //Display Lines Option
    input bool        DisplayText          =     false;      //Display Text Option
    input bool        DisplayEvents        =      true;      //Display Events Option
    input int         LineStyle            =         3;      //Line Style
    input int         MaxEventLength       =        27;      //News Max Length(in symbols) 
    input bool        LoadCalendarHistory  =     false;      //Load Calendar History
    input datetime    LoadHistoryFrom      = D'2009.10.11';  //Load Calendar History From Date
    input bool        SaveHTMFormat        =     false;      //Save HTM Format
    input string      countryFilter        = " Country Filter(None-off, color-on): "; 
    input color       EUR                  =   clrPink;      //Euro Zone(EUR)    
    input color       USD                  = clrDodgerBlue;  //US(USD)
    input color       JPY                  = clrOrange;      //Japan(JPY)
    input color       GBP                  =    clrRed;      //UK(GBP) 
    input color       CHF                  = clrMagenta;     //Switzerland(CHF) 
    input color       AUD                  =  clrGreen;      //Australia(AUD)
    input color       CAD                  = clrTomato;      //Canada(CAD) 
    input color       NZD                  =   clrGray;      //New Zealand(NZD)   
    input color       CNY                  = clrOrange;      //China(CNY) 
    input string      impFilter            = " Importance Filter: ";
    input string      NewsImportance       =   "L,M,H";      //News Importance Filter ("" - all)
    input string      graphSets            = " Graph Settings: ";  
    input int         window               =         0;      //Window: 0-chart window,1-1st subwindow,2-2nd subwindow and so on
    input int         step_X               =        20;
    input int         step_Y               =        20;
    input int         offset_X             =        30;
    input int         offset_Y             =        30;
    input string      textFontName         =   "Arial";
    input string      headFontName         = "Arial Black";   
    input int         fontSize             =         8;
    input color       textColor            = clrSilver;
    input color       timeColor            = clrSilver;
    input color       lowImportanceColor   = clrLightBlue;
    input color       medImportanceColor   = clrOrange;
    input color       highImportanceColor  =    clrRed; 
    input color       betterNewsColor      = clrGreenYellow; //Better News Color
    input color       worseNewsColor       = clrTomato;      //Worse News Color       
    input uchar       upcomNewsArrowCode   =       108;
    input color       upcomNewsArrowColor  = clrMediumSeaGreen;
    input color       backgroundColor      = C'0,50,70';     //Background Color: None-off, color-on
    input int         backgroundBorder     =        -1;      //Background Border: -1-off,0...2-on
    • MT4 version

    Attachment 12288

    • MT5 version

    Attachment 12289

    Please unzip the archive with national flags to MQL4/Images directory.


    2014.10.03 - version v2.1: fixed and updated with the new option - Display Events.
    2014.10.06 - the MT5 version added.
    2014.12.29 - fixed and updated versions v2.2(MT4) and v2.1(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.03.04 - fixed and updated versions v3.0 600+(MT4) and v3.0(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.03.20 - fixed versions v3.1 600+(MT4) and v3.1(MT5) uploaded.
    2015.04.10 - updated versions v3.3 600+(MT4) and v3.3(MT5) uploaded. Since these versions we'll use common .csv format with the ForexFactoryNews indicator.
    2015.05.15 - fixed versions v3.4 600+(MT4) and v3.4(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2015.09.01 - fixed versions v3.5 600+(MT4) and v3.5(MT5) uploaded. Now you can use your Broker's, Local and any other time to see the DailyFX Calendar.
    2016.01.25 - fixed versions v3.6 600+(MT4) and v3.6(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2016.03.09 - fixed and updated versions v3.7 600+(MT4) and v3.7(MT5) uploaded with the new parameter DisplayPanel.
    2016.06.27 - fixed versions v3.8 600+(MT4) and v3.8(MT5) uploaded because of changing of the DailyFX Calendar html format.
    2017.01.17 - fixed version v3.9 600+(MT4) uploaded because of a minor bug if the Currency Color=None.
    2017.04.10 - updated versions v4.0 600+(MT4) and v3.9(MT5) uploaded with the new parameter useImportanceColor.
    2017.04.12 - fixed versions v4.1 600+(MT4) and v4.0(MT5) uploaded.

    Attached Files Attached Files
    FHTrading, puiu288, matfx and 12 others like this.

  2. #2
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    It works good,
    Thanks a lot!

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily3.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily1.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily4.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily2.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-daily5.png
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  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Excelent job. Thank you Igorad.

  4. #4
    Important: Please download the updated version v2.1 with the new option.
    FHTrading likes this.

  5. #5
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Tested dailyFX_v_2.1 on MT4 build 711 and working ok.

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-dailyfx-cal.jpg
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  6. #6
    Important: Please download the MT5 version from the first post.
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  7. #7
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    MT5 version works fine. Thanks

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-eurusd-h4-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-18515.png

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-eurusd-m5-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-44699.png
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  8. #8
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    This dailyfx indicator is working fine. I think - it is the best indicator for economic calendar - thanks to Igorad.

    DailyFX Economic Calendar-usdchf-d1-metaquotes-software-corp-temp-file-screenshot-2986.png
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  9. #9
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    NewsTrader_v5.9 600+ based on DailyFX Economic Calendar is on this thread. This version works with Metatrader 4 build 600 and above.
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  10. #10

    Please download the fixed and updated versions v2.2(MT4) and v2.1(MT5) with ability to download the DailyFX Calendar History.


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