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Harmonic Trading

This is a discussion on Harmonic Trading within the Trading Systems forums, part of the Trading Forum category; This is FAQ about ZUP indicators (help file inside zip archive), 45 Mb This is abvout all the parameters, the ...

  1. #141
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    FAQ about ZUP indicators

    This is FAQ about ZUP indicators (help file inside zip archive), 45 Mb

    This is abvout all the parameters, the theory, video and much more. In Russian panguage sorry.

    Download from this link.
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  2. #142
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Here is a copy translation for ZUP 101 input parameters. It is a basic input of ZUP, some of the input still apply for the newer ZUP version. I will do another translation for new ZUP, maybe this weekend.
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  3. #143
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    ZUP indicator can use different of zigzag indicators to construct harmonic patterns. In every ZUP released by Nen it is normal different type of zigzag indicators are included. It gives user a choice which zigzag to be use, other than the standard zigzag that comes with MT4. Below we will see the different result display by Czigzag, DZigZag_Nen, Swing_ZZ_1, ZigZag_Nen3 and normal MT4 zigzag.

    CZigZag :

    Harmonic Trading-czigzag.png

    DTZigZag_nen :

    Harmonic Trading-dt-zigzag.png

    Swing_ZZ_1 :

    Harmonic Trading-swing_zz_1.png

    ZigZag_Nen3 :

    Harmonic Trading-zigzag_nen3.png

    Standard ZigZag (MT4) :

    Harmonic Trading-mt4-zigzag.png
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  4. #144
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    The setting of ZigZag, as Nen explained in Onix forum, translated in English as follow :

    ExtIndicator - choice option indicator (ZigZag), on which
    constructed patterns Pesavento
    ExtIndicator = 0 - Zigzag of metatrader standard
    ExtIndicator = 1 - Zigzag Alex (forums nickname ANG **** - Alexander)
    ExtIndicator = 2 - like the built-in indicator Ensign.
    ExtIndicator = 3 - similar indicator built into the Ensign, but differs slightly from the algorithm of 2. ZigZag Ensign variable value minBars.
    ExtIndicator = 4 - ZigZag, developed tauber.
    ExtIndicator = 5 - sort of swings Gunn. (A variation on the swings Hannah)
    Four modes of DT-ZigZag. Algorithm differs from that developed in the indicator klot DT-ZigZag.
    ExtIndicator = 6 - DT-ZigZag with external ZigZag_new_nen3.mq4
    ExtIndicator = 7 - DT-ZigZag with external DT_ZZ.mq4 (developed klot)
    ExtIndicator = 8 - DT-ZigZag with external CZigZag.mq4 (developed Candid)
    ExtIndicator = 10 - DT-ZigZag with a swing to the outside Swing_ZZ.mq4 - it ExtIndicator = 5 in the DT
    ExtIndicator = 11 - indicator turns ExtIndicator = 0 mode active scan to find patterns Gartley.
    ExtIndicator = 12 - ZigZag, developed Talex
    ExtIndicator = 13 - SQZZ zigzag developed Commodity
    ExtIndicator = 14 - ZZ_2L zigzag developed wellx

    minBars - filter bars (set of bars). Corresponds to ExtDepth ZigZag from MT4.
    minSize - filter by the number of points (given the number of items)

    ExtDeviation and ExtBackstep - parameters for ZigZag from MT4 (ExtIndicator = 0 or 6)

    minPercent - percentage filter (set percentage, eg 0.5)
    If you use interest - bet number and minSize = 0;
    Used only in Zigzag Alex.
    GrossPeriod - meaning timeframe expressed in minutes (number of minutes), from which data are taken for the construction ZigZag mode DT-ZigZag

    ExtPoint = 11 - the number of points Zigzag Zigzag Talex

    StLevel - the first level of the zigzag (wellx)
    BigLevel - the second level of the zigzag (wellx)
    auto - automatic calculation of job levels and StLevel BigLevel
    minBar -% value to calculate StLevel
    maxBar -% value to calculate BigLevel

    ExtStyleZZ - = true - specifies the line style ZigZag through menu changes color in the indicator properties
    = False - Zigzag output points at extrema

    ExtMaxBar - sets the number of bars in the calculation of the zigzag
    0 - zigzags calculated on the entire history

    ExtMinBar - sets the minimum number of the bar, which is calculated to zigzag

    Currently ExtMaxBar ExtMinBar parameters and work with ExtIndicator = 0-1-2-3-5-6-7-8-10-11

    ExtNumberPeak - ZigZag fractures include numbering from 1
    ExtNumberPeak10 - default enables output numbers only first 10 fractures, otherwise output numbering throughout history.
    ExtNumberPeakLow - default output numbers only Low, otherwise High and Low
    ExtNumberPeakColor - color numbers
    ExtNumberPeakFontSize - size numbers
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  5. #145
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    In ZUP_v148 whenever there are a new patterns, we can see a red vertical lines and some information. Here are the explanation by Nen (Onix Forum) what is for, with picture, translate in English :

    Let us build a pattern Butterfly.
    Distinguish on the chart last four extreme.
    We denote them as potential future point XABC pattern.

    Harmonic Trading-gbpjpy_2013-01-19_h1__.gif

    Apply for these four points retracement levels XD possible future pattern.

    Harmonic Trading-gbpjpy_2013-01-19_h1_2.gif

    Apply retracement levels as BD for this pattern.

    Harmonic Trading-gbpjpy_2013-01-19_h1_bd_.gif

    Scott Carney writes that must match retracement levels XD and BD.
    Alternatively, these levels should be as close as possible.
    But he also considers it important that the values ​​of levels AB = CD or Alternate AB = CD also as close as possible or coincide with retracement levels XD and BD.

    Impose the levels of AB = CD and Alternate AB = CD

    Harmonic Trading-gbpjpy_2013-01-19_h1_abcd_.gif

    Please consider construction data simply as a possible explanation of the construction of the pattern, but do not assume that because really will.
    These constructions are needed only for "educational purposes." But not for future trade.

    And now analyze the origin of patterns Gartley.
    As reported by Scott Carney in describing patterns Gartley, a 1935 book by Harold Hartley (on page 222) describes the picture and given a pattern that was the starting point of creating patterns. A Fibonacci ratios for the first pattern - pattern Gartley - invented by Scott Carney. And for the first building of this pattern was implemented in the program Scott Carney - Harmonic trader. And then everyone else has already poured patterns.

    In fact, Scott Carney created his original build system fib clusters. That is, he proposed a method to identify possible turning points by means of patterns. In this case, a possible reversal point D pattern must occur fib cluster - cluster of certain values ​​Fibo levels.

    Next picture is about:

    Harmonic Trading-gbpjpy_2013-01-20_h1_3.gif

    In this picture, you can identify the exact levels for the potential of the point D precise pattern.
    When constructing diffuse pattern around the totality of levels shown will be located in the development zone of point D, or, equivalently, in a potential reversal zone.

    Using fib clusters, but built a little differently, offer and Robert Fisher, Jim Cain ...

    Further questions about this function have to ask Nen or Poruchik from Onix forum FAQ because they are the main developers of ZUP indicator.
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  6. #146
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Past Harmonic Patterns

    As far as i know, in order to show past harmonic patterns in ZUP we need to set these parameters :

    ExGartleyTypeSearch = 1
    ExtHiddenPP = 2
    maxBarToD = 0

    Here is the example after applying the setting :

    Harmonic Trading-zup-history.png
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  7. #147
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    hello everyone .i have mt4 build 646 . where can i find zup indicators for this build . i tried zup version 148 . doesnt work on this build

  8. #148
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    It works. I am using ZUP 148 with build 646:

    Harmonic Trading-zup07_02.png

    Harmonic Trading-zup07_01.png
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  9. #149
    Administrator newdigital's Avatar
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    Please find ZUP_RSI_v48 indicator improved by Nen for new builds of MT4. Template is attached.

    Harmonic Trading-eurusd-h4-ibfx-inc.png

    Harmonic Trading-audusd-h4-ibfx-inc.png

    Harmonic Trading-audusd-h4-ibfx-inc-2.png
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  10. #150
    Senior Member matfx's Avatar
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    Interesting indicator.

    Harmonic Trading-zup_rsi.png

    Harmonic Trading-zup_rsi2.png
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