New UniKagiTrend indicator updated for MT4 and MT5 ---------- UniKagiTrend_v1.1 600+ indicator for MT4 and UniKagiTrend_v1_1 indicator for MT5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated UniKagiTrend indicator with MTF mode, PreSmooth feature, updated set of prices, all kinds of alerts and with one more visual mode - Kagi ROC. ---------- ...
UniPolychromaticMomentum indicator MTF indicator with BuyLevel/SellLevel feature, PreSmooth feature and all kinds of alerts ---------- UniPolychromaticMomentum_v1_0 indicator for MT5 was created for Premium Trading Forum. The is the MTF indicator with BuyLevel/SellLevel feature, PreSmooth feature and all kinds of alerts incl email alert and push notification. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium ...
A guy in his 30s, handsome behind his mask (this is pre-pandemic), carries a chisel, drills, jigsaws, sometimes explosives, and walks up to a dilapidated wall. Looks like trouble. What's going on? Is he on a march toward destruction? Yup. Sorta. About to create graffiti? Nope. Make something beautiful? Yup. ...
Volatility - Volatility Oscillator Adaptive ---------- VolatilityOscillator Adaptive_v1.0 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This indicator was coded according to the following article: Stocks & Commodities V. 35:08 (8–12, 38): Volatility Oscillator by Vitali Apirine. ---------- You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
PointAndFigureChart and PointAndFigureTrend indicators for Metatrader 5 ---------- PointAndFigureChart_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 and PointAndFigureTrend_v1_9 indicator for Metatrader 5 were created for Premium Trading Forum. Those are the advanced PointAndFigure indicators which allows to get the PnF Close/Open prices in the Data Window and with all kinds of alerts incl email alert and push notification. ...