During a meeting with investors earlier this week, Nintendo unveiled its very first smartphone game. Dubbed “Miitomo,” this free-to-play game lets you use an adorable avatar to interact with your friends without investing in Nintendo hardware. This certainly isn’t the kind of mobile game many of us were hoping for, but can this oddball social game keep this gaming giant relevant in a rapidly ...
Nintendo’s first smartphone game is a communication game called Miitomo, and it will be released in March 2016, the company said today. New Nintendo president Tatsumi Kimishima, in his first public appearance as the company’s head, said at a press briefing today in Tokyo that in the free-to-play game, ...
Earlier today, we covered how the PlayStation TV can be hacked to play Vita titles. Today, Sony executive Shuhei Yoshida, president of Sony Computer Entertainment Worldwide Studios, more-or-less confirmed that Sony was planning to exit the dedicated handheld business once the Vita reaches the end of its lifespan. When asked about the possibility of a follow-up to Sony’s PSV, Yoshida noted that mobile ...
CEO Lisa Su announced that the company had recently added a new embedded design win to its portfolio, though without a firm date on when the company might recognize revenue from the win. One potential candidate for a hypothetical new device is Nintendo, which announced earlier this year that it would launch a new hybrid mobile device in 2016, codenamed the NX. Dean Takahashi has laid ...
Nintendo dropped a pair of bombshells on the gaming world. First, the company announced that it had partnered with Japanese mobile game development company, DeNA (pronounced DNA), and would bring its major franchises — all of them — to mobile gaming. Second, it has begun work on a next-generation console, codenamed the Nintendo “NX.” Both of these announcements are huge shifts ...