All FerruFx indicators can be found on his profile (with the link to MQL5 Market) - most of those indicators are free. go here for the links to download. Example:
TRIX Colored Area - indicator for MetaTrader 5 Indicator iTriX (Triple Exponential Average, TRIX) made in the style of drawing DRAW_FILLING
3D Spiral Quotes - indicator for MetaTrader 5 3D is applied without the use of Direct X only by means of the iCanvas class. There is only one parameter in the indicator - the number of circles displayed.
3D Moving Average - indicator for MetaTrader 5 The indicator management is simple and intuitive. There are two color modes: Color varies with priceColor changes depending on the MA Period. Switching between the two color modes is done by the "C" key (Color). To change the step between periods of moving averages, the mouse pointer occurs when it is in the extreme right position ...
In the previous articles (Optimization Management (Part I) and Optimization Management (Part 2)) we considered a mechanism for launching the optimization in the terminal through a third-party process. This allows creating a certain Optimization Manager which can implement the process similarly to a trading algorithm implementing a specific trading process, i.e. in a fully automated mode without user interference. The idea is to create an algorithm which manages the sliding optimization process, ...