The objective of a successful signal provider is to discover a robust and profitable strategy that allows them to capture a small portion of that pie daily, broadcasting it to a large number of subscribers simultaneously. more...
An indicator to report your brokers Bid/Ask spread levels. Now we can use MT5s tick data to analyze what the historic true average Bid/Ask spread actually have recently been. You shouldn't need to look at the current spread because that is available if you show both bid and ask price lines. more...
This article analyses five standard alternatives to connecting a Postgres database to MetaTrader 5, their requirements, Pros, and Cons. Also, we will set up a development environment, install a Postgres database as a remote one, connect to it, and insert and retrieve data to be consumed by an MQL5 script or EA. more...
In previous articles, we discussed the construction and use of machine learning models in a simplified way using a client-server connection. However, these models only work in production environments because the tester does not execute network functions. more...
In this article, we will share one of the most important topics in programming which lead to coding smoothly and easily, and help us to apply the concept of (DRY) which is the shortcut of (Do Not Repeat Yourself) as developers or programmers. In addition to raising the security of any created software, and other of features. We will talk about Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) and how we can use this concept and code it in MQL5 (MetaQuotes Language) by ...