When Nvidia launched the GTX 1080 earlier this year, it didn’t take long before rumors of a new Titan-branded card followed in its wake. Unlike the GP100, which will utilize HBM2 and launch in early 2017, the Nvidia (not GeForce) Titan X is based on a different piece of silicon: GP102. This new top-end card combines a wider memory bus and higher core counts with the same GDDR5X that debuted ...
Last fall, Micron announced that it would bring a new type of GDDR5 to market, GDDR5X. At the time, it wasn’t clear if the announcement would amount to much, since Micron didn’t expect availability until the end of 2016, and both AMD and Nvidia will have likely refreshed their desktop and mobile products by then. Now, the memory standard consortium JEDEC has officially recognized and published ...