Photo by Marinus
As fascinating as macro photography is, most of us think we can’t do it because it requires specialized equipment. Russian photographer Alexey Kljatov, however, is an inspiration to aspiring amateur photographers everywhere – he created a home-made rig capable of capturing stunning close-up pictures of snowflakes out of old camera parts, boards, screws and tape. His pictures give us an enchanting close-up view of snowflakes that we could never hope for without specialized equipment. ...
Jean-Paul Bourdier "A collection of surreal analog photographs that push our sense of wonder."
Elliott Erwitt Elliott Erwitt (Russian origin) is an advertising and documentary photographer known for his black and white candid shots of ironic and absurd situations within everyday settings.
Tatyana Tomsickova photo Children Portrait Photography by Tatyana Tomsickova Can you please introduce yourself? My name is Tatyana Tomsickova, I am from Bulgaria, married and currently live in Prague, Czech Republic. Mother of two beautiful boys, who are the reason to start shooting more intensively. I have had passion for photography from my childhood, but could afford to buy my first DSLR only after the birth of my first born. I ...