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Trade Assistant

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
by , 05-11-2014 at 12:38 AM (2302 Views)
Trade Assistant — a multi-timeframe indicator that is based on three standard indicators: Stochastic, RSI (Relative Strength Index) and CCI (Commodity Channel Index). It displays current trend directions for M5, M15, M30, H1, H4 and D1. When you follow such an indicator you have the clear picture of the trends in all important timeframes. It doesn't matter to what timeframe chart you attach this indicator. It's also not recommended to change any input parameters. The indicator can be downloaded for MT4 and MT5.
Input parameters:

PercentK (default = 8) — period in bars for calculation of the line %K of Stochastic indicator.
PercentD (default = 3) — period in bars for calculation of the line %D of Stochastic indicator.
Slowing (default = 3) — the value for slowing of Stochastic indicator.
RSIP1 (default = 14) — period for the first RSI (fast).
RSIP2 (default = 70) — period for the second RSI (slow).
Other parameters — represent the symbol codes for the trend direction arrows. Better leave them alone.

Name:  eurusd-m30-metaquotes-software-corp-trade-asistant.png
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  1. TIMisthebest's Avatar
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    thank you newdigital
    its a good sample to learn about how to coding for this type of indicator.
    Updated 05-11-2014 at 04:31 AM by TIMisthebest