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  1. PolyFitBands indicator with multiple sigma display and alerts

    by , 07-23-2021 at 07:38 PM
    PolyFitBands indicator with multiple sigma display and alerts


    PolyFitBands_v3.1 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated PolyFitBands indicator which allows the multiple sigma display, with MTF feature and with alerts including UpTrend sound, DnTrend sound, email alert and push notification.

    Name:  PolyFitBands316006.png
Views: 98
Size:  52.5 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  2. JurikFilter indicator for Metatrader 5 (in color and with AdaptiveMode)

    by , 07-23-2021 at 09:32 AM
    JurikFilter indicator for Metatrader 5


    JurikFilter_v2.1 indicator for Metatrader 5 was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is MTF updated JurikFilter indicator with ability to show in color and with AdaptiveMode.

    Name:  jurikfiltermt5.png
Views: 130
Size:  14.9 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. Digital Martingale-2 EA

    by , 07-23-2021 at 03:49 AM
    Digital Martingale-2 EA


    Digital Martingale-2 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. EA is using Dfs separate for ea indicator and good for H1 timeframe.

    Name:  eurusd-h1-ibfx-inc.png
Views: 128
Size:  47.5 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags