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Kuasa Forex signal Trading System

Rating: 2 votes, 5.00 average.
by , 06-13-2014 at 11:18 PM (2787 Views)
Quote Originally Posted by matfx View Post
The original system was posted here. Please download the update version which i included Igorad's BBandStop_v3.0 600+ indicator to replace the old BBandStop_v1 indicator. The other 3 indicators, fiboPivot_2, heiken_ashi Smoothed and Kuskus StarlightV2 remained the same which is working under MT4 build 646.

Entry rules for buy signal/sell signal :

1) When Heiken_ashi, BBandstop and kukus starlight are in the same blue color, it is a buy signal, we enter buy with stoploss 5 pips below BBandstop, target either using trailing stop or a predefine fixed target.

2) When Heiken_ashi, BBandstop and kukus starlight are in same red color, it is a sell signal, we enter sell with stoploss above BBandstop, target either using trailing stop or a predefine fixed target.

Recommended time frame for this signal trading system is 30 min chart, but 15 min chart working as well.

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I am not sure any EA have been created for this system, but if i found one will post it here.
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