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Developing a multi-currency Expert Advisor (Part 5): Variable position sizes

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by , 12-01-2024 at 04:15 PM (128 Views)
In the previous part, we dded the ability to restore the EA's state after a restart. It does not matter what the reason was - rebooting the terminal, changing the timeframe on the chart with the EA, launching a more recent version of the EA - in all cases, restoring the state allowed the EA not to start working from scratch and not to lose already open positions, but to continue handling them.

However, the size of the opened positions remained the same for each instance of the strategy throughout the entire testing period. Their size was set at the EA launch. If, as a result of the EA's operation, the trading account balance increased, then this would allow the use of an increased position size without increasing risk. It would be reasonable to take advantage of this, so let’s start implementing the use of variable position sizes.

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