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IN10TION NewsReader Revival - version v9.99x: World clock issue fixed

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by , 09-02-2014 at 07:40 AM (10444 Views)
This is 10th of April today or 10th day of Spring, and it's good time to revive this thread here.

This is famous indicator originally made by our friend IN10TION. As Bruce stopped upgrading his indicator so please find upgraded version attached.

Name:  in10tion_animated_1.gif
Views: 2335
Size:  603.3 KB

Just follow the instructions provided by the indicator. ( message box )
Install as an indicator because this is not an EA.

Allow DLL imports on your custom indicator/Common tab

Please, do try the templates given with the IN10TION NewsReader ( test layout possibilities )

  • change News.PauseBetweenUpdates(in minutes) for auto updates
  • change News.Set either to 1 or 2
  • change Main.Anchor.Show from false to true, it will display the anchor (red 2 cubes left top), double click-hold & drag it to the place you want to have your IN10TION NewsReader v09, view animated info how to do!
  • change News.Impacts to filter news by impacts where N-Non-economic, L-low Impact, M-Medium Impact, H-High Impact

Name:  in10tion_animated_3.gif
Views: 1494
Size:  436.8 KB

I think the rest explains much for itself, colors, modules on/off...
If you have questions, remarks, don't hesitate to ask/say...

Name:  in10tion_exp.gif
Views: 1529
Size:  51.8 KB

PS. IN10TION, if you received our email messages - please reply on this thread or by email.


2013.04.17 - version v9.99s: 2 minor issues fixed.
2013.05.06 - version v9.99t: currency prefix/suffix issues fixed.
2013.07.29 - version v9.99u: version with Update Popup(build 509).
2014.01.25 - version v9.99v: clocks issue fixed.
2014.06.25 - version v9.99w: updated version for the new MT4(build 600 and above).
2014.08.26 - version v9.99x: World clock issue fixed.
Attached Thumbnails Attached Files

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  1. underlong's Avatar
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    tanks i try it
  2. zaxmarki's Avatar
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    Does anyone have an update for this, mine says there is an update needed?

  3. newdigital's Avatar
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    version v9.99y is the latest one:

    IN10TION NewsReader indicator is on this thread (first post of the thread). This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above).
    The version (9.99v) for the old MT4 build 509 is on this post.
  4. zaxmarki's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by newdigital
    version v9.99y is the latest one:

    IN10TION NewsReader indicator is on this thread (first post of the thread). This is updated version for the new MT4 (build 600 and above).
    The version (9.99v) for the old MT4 build 509 is on this post.

    Thanks Newdigital!