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The first wave of Turkish brokers migrating to MetaTrader 5 "The widespread transition of brokers to the multi-asset HFT MetaTrader 5 platform is well under way, also in Turkey. In recent months, several large companies in Turkey announced the launch of the new product for their traders, including the Istanbul broker Info Yatirim. This confirms the interest of the market participants in expanding the range of offered platforms and their ...
Cat Logic
Wolfe Waves Contents IntroductionRules for determining Wolfe WavesChoosing a ZigZag to work withCollecting data about the ZigZag peaksA bit of geometryDetermining WavesDrawing waves and targetsDeleting graphical objectsThe alert functionExpert AdvisorA few more tips from Bill Wolfe's bookConclusionAttachments more...
Simplified request to open a real account in MetaTrader 5 iOS build 1605 The new MetaTrader 5 for iOS build 1605 provides the possibility to easily open preliminary brokerage accounts. When opening a new account, select "Open a real account" from the menu, and find your broker in the list of servers. Fill in a simple form with your personal details and attach two documents to confirm your identity and address. You request will be forwarded ...
In this article, I will tell you how to successfully trade by merging a very well-known strategy and a neural network. It will be about the Thomas DeMark's Sequential strategy with the use of an artificial intelligence system. Sequential is well described by DeMark in the book "The New Science of Technical Analysis", which will be useful for reading to any trader. You can find more details on the book here. more...