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  1. Automated Optimization of an EA for MetaTrader 5

    by , 10-05-2018 at 01:53 PM
    Name:  Optimisation_Process__2.png
Views: 159
Size:  14.4 KB

    It is unrealistic to launch this type of process each week manually, so we looked for an existing mechanism to perform repetitive tasks but without success (for MetaTrader 5) so we developed this one.

    The implementation of this process requires a minimum knowledge of MetaTrader 5, its optimization mechanisms and programming.

    Thanks to Igor Malcev who write the article "Automated Optimization of a Trading Robot in Real Trading" for ...
  2. Combining trend and flat strategies

  3. 950 websites broadcast the Economic Calendar from MetaQuotes

    by , 09-26-2018 at 01:57 PM
    Almost a thousand web resources around the world feature the Economic Calendar widget. Among them are brokerage websites, popular financial media, analytical portals and trader blogs. The service allows sorting of macroeconomic events by their importance, country and time interval, while being legally burden-free — you do not have to worry about licensing risks.

    Name:  gbpusd-m15-metaquotes-software-corp.png
Views: 222
Size:  74.5 KB

    The MetaQuotes offer is valid for owners and webmasters of any resource. To ...
  4. 14,000 trading robots in the MetaTrader Market

    by , 09-22-2018 at 11:39 AM
    The largest store of ready-made applications for algo-trading now features 13,970 products. This includes 4,800 robots, 6,500 indicators, 2,400 utilities and other solutions. Almost half of the applications (6,000) are available for rent. Also, a quarter of the total number of products (3,800) can be downloaded for free.

    Name:  market_screen.jpg
Views: 172
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    MetaTrader Market is the only official online store of trading robots for MetaTrader platforms. Any trader will definitely ...
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