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  1. Practical Use of Kohonen Neural Networks in Algorithmic Trading. Part I. Tools

    by , 02-18-2019 at 08:34 AM
    The subject of Kohonen neural networks was approached to in some articles on the website, such as Using Self-Organizing Feature Maps (Kohonen Maps) in MetaTrader 5 and Self-Organizing Feature Maps (Kohonen Maps) - Revisiting the Subject. They introduced readers to the general principles of building neural networks of this type and visually analyzing the economic numbers of markets using such maps.

    However, in practical terms, using Kohonen networks just for algorithmic trading ...
  2. Developing the symbol selection and navigation utility in MQL5 and MQL4

    by , 01-25-2019 at 09:49 AM
    Name:  show_symbols.png
Views: 150
Size:  31.1 KB

    Experienced traders are well aware of the fact that most time-consuming things in trading are not opening and tracking positions but selecting symbols and looking for entry points.
    Of course, these are not huge issues if you work only with 1-2 symbols. But if your trading toolkit consists of hundreds of stocks and dozens of Forex symbols, it may take several hours only to find suitable entry points.

    In this article, we will develop ...
  3. USD/ZAR - long-term ranging for direction

    by , 12-20-2018 at 10:30 AM
    The pair is located inside Ichimoku cloud for the monthly price waiting for the direction of the direction of the bullish trend to be resumed or to the bearish market condition to be started.

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    • If the price breaks 15.69 resistance level to above so the long-term bulish market condition will be resumed for whole 2019.
    • If the price breaks 11.78 support level to below on close monthly bar so we can see the bearish condition to be started and continuing
  4. Parabolic Alert

    by , 12-17-2018 at 11:02 AM
    ParabolicAlert - indicator for MetaTrader 4

    Name:  PA_usdchf-m1-fxopen-investments-inc-2.png
Views: 432
Size:  36.1 KB

    Parabolic Stop-And-Reversal system with Alert is base of the Indicator Parabolic by MetaQuotes Software Corp. with alert and email alert and option to display trader info and signal.
    Tags: metatrader, mt4, mt5 Add / Edit Tags
  5. Stochastic Alerts

    by , 12-16-2018 at 03:02 PM
    StochasticAlerts - indicator for MetaTrader 4

    Name:  SA_usdchf-m1-fxopen-investments-inc-3.png
Views: 459
Size:  39.4 KB

    StochasticAlerts is base of the Indicator Stochastic Oscillator by MetaQuotes Software Corp. with alert, email alert and push notifications and option to display trader info and signal.
    Tags: metatrader, mt4, mt5 Add / Edit Tags
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