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  1. BasketTradePanel EA with alerts

    by , 11-28-2020 at 09:28 PM
    BasketTradePanel EA with many additional of options incl alerts


    BasketTradePanel_v1.3 600+ EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated BasketTradePanel EA with a lot of options including close all feature, alerts, close all trades in specific time, close % of trade and more.

    Name:  BasketTradePanel1360013.jpg
Views: 96
Size:  98.6 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  2. Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA with UniZigZagChannel and Heiken Ashi Ma T3 indicators using

    by , 11-28-2020 at 08:05 AM
    Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA


    Heiken Ashi Ma T3 UniZigzag EA_v1.0 EA was created for Premium Trading Forum. This advanced EA is coded according to the member's request, and it is using UniZigZagChannel_v1.9ea 600+ and Heiken Ashi Ma T3 new 2 indicators.

    Name:  ha ma t3 unizigzag ea_v1.0.png
Views: 76
Size:  14.9 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read and to download.
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  3. Multi-Dimensional Fractals by Larry Williams: FractalSqueezeMD indicator

    by , 11-28-2020 at 02:03 AM
    FractalSqueezeMD indicator with MTF feature, PreSmooth feature and TrendFilter in pips


    FractalSqueezeMD_v1.3 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the advanced MTF indicator with all kinds of alerts and with the Extreme Squeeze zone if the Fractal Volatility is less the Average Extreme Squeeze.

    Name:  FractalSqueezeMD13600111.jpg
Views: 159
Size:  95.4 KB


    You need to subscribe to Premium Trading Forum to read ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  4. UniAbsoluteStrengthOnChar t indicator: arrows for Bulls/Bears crossovers and fixed alert

    by , 11-27-2020 at 09:03 PM
    UniAbsoluteStrengthOnChart indicator with with fixed alert


    UniAbsoluteStrengthOnChart_v3.7 600+ indicator was created for Premium Trading Forum. This is the updated indicator with fixed alert as well as with MTF feature, with arrows for Bulls/Bears crossovers with the overbought/oversold and with the OnChart settings to be similar with UniFisherTransform.

    Name:  UniAbsoluteStrengthOnChartv37600.jpg
Views: 100
Size:  93.2 KB


    You need to subscribe ...
    Tags: premium Add / Edit Tags
  5. What is a trend and is the market structure based on trend or flat?

    by , 11-27-2020 at 06:15 AM
    Name:  distributionfor801reversal.PNG
Views: 518
Size:  18.3 KB

    The concepts of trend and flat can be clearly and fully defined. Besides, it is possible to compare the trendiness degree of different instruments as well as of a single instrument on different scales. Such an analysis allows us to evaluate characteristics and features of instruments and construct trading algorithms considering individual behavior of each instrument.

    Knowing statistical characteristics of an instrument and their change